Rewards Details

Matter Coins Ⓜ️

What are Matter coins?
At the end of every Feedback Friday, each user in your channel will receive Matter coins to distribute to teammates in kudos and feedback through the following Feedback Friday. As the recipient collects coins over time, they can trade them for rewards (gift cards, custom company rewards, charitable donations, prepaid Visa & Mastercard cards).

How many Matter coins will I receive to share with my teammates?
The amount of Matter coins given depends on the frequency of your Feedback Friday. For example, with a weekly Feedback Fridays frequency each team member will get 50 coins, bi-weekly will get 100 coins, tri-weekly will get 150 coins, and monthly will get 200 coins.

My budget is $X per month. How many coins should each team member get?
Use our Rewards Calculator to determine how many coins your team needs so you can stay within your budget. Adjust the default coin allowance in the web app under channel settings, rewards tab.

Do my Matter coins expire?
The Matter coins you receive to share with teammates will reset at the end of each Feedback Friday. In addition, users cannot give Matter coins to themselves, roll over coins to the following week (i.e., use them or lose them), or transfer their coins to another user to share. The amount of Matter coins you receive from kudos and feedback is stored separately from the coins you are allotted to send each week. The coins you earn do not reset or expire.

What happens when I send a kudos with coins to multiple teammates?
If a kudos with coins is given to multiple teammates, the amount will be multiplied by the number of people receiving the kudos. For example, a kudos with 3 coins given to 3 teammates will deduct 9 coins from your total.

Where can I see my coin balance?
Users’ Matter coin balances can be viewed in the Slack/Teams Home tab, or via the Rewards tab in the web app. Admins can download users coin balances in our advanced analytics report export. If you’d like to reset your team’s Matter coin balances (earned coins) for any reason, please reach out to

What happens to my Matter coins if my team stops using Matter?
If your Matter-connected channel or Matter web app workspace is deleted, users’ Matter coin balances will not be retained.

Rewards Redemption 🔁

How do I redeem my Matter coins for rewards?
To redeem your Matter coins for rewards, head to the Matter coins section in the Slack/Teams Home tab, or the Rewards tab in our web app. In the Slack/Teams Home tab, you’ll see the 🎁 Redeem Reward button, which will connect you to the rewards store inside the web app. Inside the web app, you’ll be able to select your reward and request a redemption.

In order to redeem rewards, your team must be on a Pro or higher plan (not a Free Trial). Once a reward is requested, the Admin will receive a notification to either approve or decline the reward request. If a reward is not approved, the coin balance will be returned to the requestor.

What is the value of a Matter coin?
1 Matter coin is equal to 0.1 USD or the user’s local currency equivalent to 0.1 USD. For example, 200 coins are equivalent to $20 USD.

What rewards are available?
Matter coins can be redeemed for the following rewards: gift cards, custom company rewards, charitable donations, or prepaid Visa & Mastercard cards.

How are rewards delivered to the recipient?
Gift card rewards will be delivered to the recipient in the local currency via email after the reward has been approved by an Admin. Custom company rewards must be manually delivered by an Admin on your team.

Where can I track the status of my team’s rewards requests?
Admins can view and manage the status of their team’s rewards requests and redemptions via the Rewards tab in our web app.

Rewards Billing 💰

How can I enable or disable rewards?
Rewards can be enabled or disabled by any admin in your workspace. To enable or disable Rewards:

1. Log into
2. Go to Channel Settings
3. Click into the Rewards tab
4. Click the button at the top right to enable or disable Rewards

Your Matter account must be on a Pro or higher plan in order to enable and use the rewards feature.

How am I charged for rewards?
When an Admin approves a non-custom company reward request, your Matter account will automatically be charged for the cost of the reward, plus a 3% transaction fee for automatic delivery.

What happens if my payment fails?
If the card on file fails, we will try charging your account two more times. If the charges fail three times in a row we reserve the right to cancel your Matter subscription, which will disable the rewards program for your team.