Employee Surveys

10x your response rate, instantly

30+ science-backed templates

From engagement to belonging and inclusion, employee onboarding & exit, and many more - our customizable survey templates have you covered.

Turn feedback on autopilot

Automate and schedule employee surveys to fit your needs:
  • Delivery: Send now or schedule survey.
  • Frequency: One time or recurring.
  • Closing: End on specific date or wait until 100% participation.

Gather insights on all matters

Turn employee engagement data points into action with powerful analytics solutions, plus receive weekly insights.

Increase participation with rewards

There’s a reason Matter delivers the highest participation rates in our field. Optionally, reward recipients with Matter coins for completing the survey.

Ready to level up with surveys?

  • Free Forever
  • 2 Minute Setup
  • No Credit Card Required
Companies that use Matter receive 2.7x more feedback.

"Matter helps us encourage behaviors that align with our company values and can allow us to recognize and reward those who exemplify our values."

Autumn Amescua
Chief Culture & People Officer