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How to Find Something Positive in Your Routine

February 9, 2021
2 Min Read
Photo by
Karmijn Simons

According to the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, teams that prioritized positive practices avoided finger-pointing and provided support for each other. While embracing positivity can encourage your team to work harder, the benefits extend beyond the office. Your team will appreciate the inspiring moments working with you.

Reflect on how to find something positive

Learning how to findin your routing is fundamental in developing and honing your leadership skills. Start by simply taking a moment to reflect.

Are you a positive thinker or an overthinker?

Exercises to help you find something positive

Now, it's time to put your reflection into action. Finding opportunities to implement your leadership skills can allow you to find something positive in your routine.

  • Unplug for a few minutes if you find yourself feeling stressed. Close your eyes, breathe in and out, and focus on the present moment.
  • Shift your negative language to positive. Instead of saying: “Why did this project fail?” Flip it and think: “What did I learn? How would I do things differently?”
  • Schedule a one-on-one meeting with a close peer to recall successful and challenging moments from the week. Recognize and focus on your big or small wins.
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