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How to Make a Decision

December 9, 2020
2 Min Read
Photo by
Ramy Wafaa

According to a 2017 Forbes study, among the top 500 world leaders interviewed, 98% of them failed to apply best practices when making decisions. Decision-making isn’t easy, but it’s the cornerstone of leadership. It’s the smart choices we make that drive true change throughout an organization.

Reflect on how to make a decision

Learning how to make a decision is fundamental in developing and honing your leadership skills. Start by simply taking a moment to reflect.

Can you recall a time where you struggled making a decision?

Exercises to help you make a decision

Now, it's time to put your reflection into action. Finding opportunities to implement your leadership skills can allow you to make a decision.

  • Identify the factors in your decision. Ask yourself: “What do I know? What information do I have at hand? What information is missing? Who will this decision impact?”
  • Speak to other team members about your options. Set up a meeting to get feedback, brainstorm possible alternatives, and discuss tradeoffs.  
  • Document what was decided, those involved, and why they supported the decision once you’ve come to a conclusion. This will increase commitment and establish a basis to measure the results.
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