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How to Trust Your Intuition While Being Decisive

October 29, 2020
3 Min Read
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According to a 2016 Psychological Science study, people that tap into their intuition make faster, confident, and accurate decisions. Your intuition is a powerful tool because of its ability to make swift decisions based on past experiences. Compared to your gut which is just an arbitrary feeling.

Reflect on how to trust your intuition while being decisive

Learning how to trust your intuition is fundamental in developing and honing your leadership skills. Start by simply taking a moment to reflect.

Is trusting your intuition the same as trusting your gut?

Exercises to help you trust your intuition while being decisive

Now, it's time to put your reflection into action. Finding opportunities to implement your leadership skills can allow you to find you trust your intuition.  

  • Don’t ignore that first inner tug when you’re faced with a decision. Probe yourself and ask, “What is this feeling trying to tell me? Does it have the right intentions?”
  • Avoid second-guessing by grounding your decisions based on your past experiences. If a past decision has yielded a positive outcome, it’s safe to make a similar choice when faced with the same situation.
  • Balance facts and intuition equally when making a decision. Take into account all the evidence at hand, but double-check with your intuition to see how you feel.
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