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Time Management Worksheets

September 29, 2020
3 Min Read
Photo by
Jeremiah Shaw

According to a 2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology study, 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual and human brains process visuals 60,000 times faster than they do text. This is where visual time management worksheets come in handy.

Time management strategies are the unlikely hero. They help you spend your time wisely and efficiently. Using these strategies in conjunction with data visualization help you make sense of your work. Here are five different worksheets to help you take your work to the next level.

Weekly Time Management Worksheet

Use this worksheet to help you visualize your week. Fill in your recurring meeting, preparation and travel time, regular appointments, lunches and dinner breaks, and rest. You can even schedule your set bedtime and morning call.

Google Calendar is a great time management and scheduling tool. For individuals who like to see their week in-advance, using Google Calendar allows you to make appointments, share meetings with others, and organize your daily tasks.

Google Calendars is a great option if you want to take your timesheet on-the-go. (Image from Google Calendar)

Time Pie Chart Worksheet

If you're a visual learner, consider using a Time Pie Chart Worksheet to help you understand how your time is being allocated.

Like money, time is not infinite. Treat your time like money and create a time budget that details how you spend your hours during a typical week. Categorize time into fixed time (must do’s) and discretionary time (want to do’s).

One hour is approximately 4.2% of your day. Spend it wisely! (Image by Melanie Lee)

The Rule-of-3 Worksheet

The Rule of 3 is a productivity principle that encourages us to focus on achieving just three meaningful outcomes every day, week, month, and year. The Rule of 3 helps you focus on outcomes over activities.

(Image by Melanie Lee)

Peak Performance Tracker Worksheet

Find your peak performance time by breaking your typical work day into six time slots. Over the course of a week, rank-order these slots from your most to least productive. Your time slots don't have to adhere to the three-hour blocks of time as this worksheet. It's perfectly OK have your peak performance time from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

After you find your peak performance time, you can leverage this knowledge to increase your output by prioritizing the tasks you need to complete in a reasonable timeframe.

(Image by Melanie Lee)

The Urgency Determinator Worksheet

Are your tasks urgent? Are your tasks going to take a long time? Knowing the answer to these questions will help you plan out your day.

Urgency and importance are related but distinct concepts. Urgent tasks require immediate action, whereas as important tasks have more significant and long-term consequences. You can prioritize your tasks that are both urgent and under deadline. This will help you get ahead if the curve if you feel like you are constantly putting out fires at work.

(Image by Melanie Lee) 

What To Do After

The most important part of these worksheets is what you do after you fill them out. It's important to analyze your situation using objective evidence. Have you found “hidden time” you didn’t know you had? If your schedule can't accommodate all the demands on your time, what do you need to cut down on?

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