Auronix - Customer Communication Software

“Kudos are a big part of our company culture and daily practice because it helps us reinforce the ideal company behaviors. This helps us ensure that we have the right people here and support them to do their best.”

Gabriela Ruiz - Head of People at Hunty
María José Franco
People Director

About 👏

Company: Auronix is a leading communications platform in Mexico that enables companies to connect with their customers through the most popular and innovative messaging channels. Auronix empowers organizations to connect with customers throughout their entire journey; driving engagement, sales, and loyalty.

Industry: Communication Service as a Platform (cPaaS)

Employees: 164

Headquarters: Mexico City, Mexico 🇲🇽

Key Use Cases: Kudos, Analytics

Interview: María José Franco, People Director

Why Auronix chose Matter 🏆

Auronix was looking for a tool to could help them change their recognition culture from being exclusively top-down to a 360 peer-to-peer model, where everyone in the company felt comfortable sharing feedback with fellow teammates. A developer on the team recommended Matter, and the people team appreciated that kudos allowed teammates to send meaningful feedback that could tie into the Auronix company values. 

How Auronix uses Matter 🚀

Because custom kudos allowed Auronix to use Matter in regards to their company values, the people team introduced matter as part of a larger cultural initiative to highlight Auronix's  ‘Values of the Month’. Each month, Auronix focuses on a particular company value and encourages teammates to send the corresponding kudos to anyone on the team that embodies that value in their daily work. The team member that is the most recognized for that value receives an award at the end of the month. 

The Value of Matter for Auronix 📈

In addition to creating a value-focused team at Auronix, Matter allows greater insight into team successes, by encouraging teammates to send public recognition regularly. Matter also enriches cultural initiatives at Auronix, such as the monthly award for those that exemplify a company value, or their end-of-year awards ceremony – where great work throughout the year is highlighted and teammates are celebrated for their contributions. 

The People team really learned the value of Matter for the Auronix team when the app was accidentally deleted from their Slack workspace. 

María explains, “We didn’t know it had happened, but suddenly all of these teammates from across the company were contacting us, asking what had happened to the app and when we could have it reinstalled. People were so worried about not having Matter accessible and were advocating to have it reinstalled as soon as possible. That really showed us how Matter is rooted in our culture and day-to-day life at Auronix.”

Lessons Learned / Advice for Others ✏️

Auronix highly recommends using Matter, specifically to build a culture of recognition within a team. María adds, “I don’t think any company would regret giving Matter a try to see how it can bring people closer together, encourage best practices, and celebrate wins across the team. It’s an amazing asset to create or reinforce your company culture.”