15 Amazing Free Slack Apps in 2024

January 30, 2023
6 Min Read
Photo by
Dmytro Novitskyi

Table of Contents:

Are you looking for strategies to increase the effectiveness of your team's Slack collaboration without spending more money? Free Slack apps are a great way to maximize the potential of your Slack workspace without breaking the bank. From task management tools to integrations with other popular software platforms, there is no slack alternative with all these free slack apps.

The advent of free Slack apps has revolutionized the way teams communicate in the workplace. By providing an easy-to-use platform, teams can quickly and easily exchange information with each other without having to search through multiple channels or send emails. As a result, companies no longer need expensive communication tools; instead, they can use these beneficial and versatile free Slack apps to get their work done efficiently and effectively.

In this article, we'll discuss why free Slack apps are so valuable for businesses of all sizes, how to get started with them, and the best tips for optimizing your team's use of these powerful tools. We'll also look at five amazing free Slack apps that can help transform your team's communication and take it to the next level. With these apps, you'll be able to improve collaboration, reduce confusion, and increase productivity - all while saving money. So let's get started!

How to get started with free Slack apps

Getting started with free Slack apps is easy and can help you collaborate more effectively with your team. The only requirements are downloading the app and creating a free account on the Slack website. Once you're logged into the website, you can browse through all their available apps and find one that fits your needs. For example, if you're looking for an app to help your team manage meetings and tasks, you can find one that does just that. Then, with a few clicks of the mouse, you can install the app and collaborate with your team members in minutes.

To get the most out of free Slack apps, it is essential to ensure that you are using the right ones for your tasks. You can use the website's search feature to find apps related to specific topics or to filter by category. Additionally, it is worth checking out any user reviews provided with each app to ensure that it works well and meets your expectations.

Finally, remember to keep up-to-date with any updates provided by the app developer to ensure that you are getting the latest features and bug fixes. With these tips, you can get started with free Slack apps quickly and reliably.

What are the benefits of using free Slack apps?

Free Slack apps are an increasingly popular way to stay connected with colleagues, family, and friends. Free Slack apps offer access to various functions, are easy to use, and don't call for specialized tools or technical expertise.

The primary benefit of using free Slack apps is their convenience. These apps make it easy to stay connected with colleagues, family, and friends. In addition, they can be used for various tasks, such as sending messages, making video calls, collaborating on projects, sharing documents, and more. This makes them an ideal communication tool for both personal and professional use.

Free Slack apps also provide access to features that are not available through traditional communication methods. For example, users can quickly find specific conversations or documents using the Slack search feature. They also have access to various integrations with other applications to connect their multiple workflows seamlessly. In addition, users can customize their account settings and preferences to get the most out of their experience. All these features make free Slack apps an attractive option for many. 

Secrets to finding the best free Slack apps for your organization

The first step to finding the best Slack apps for your organization is to become familiar with what's available. There are a variety of applications specifically designed for use on Slack, ranging from project management tools and collaboration platforms to productivity and communication solutions. Spend time exploring the different offerings and familiarizing yourself with their features to understand better what application would benefit your organization.

The next step is to research and compare different free Slack apps. Review reviews, ratings, and user feedback thoroughly across platforms like App Store, Google Play, and Slack's app directory. It's also important to look into what kind of customer support the app offers, as this can significantly affect how easily you can get up and running with it. Lastly, consider the cost of any upgrades or additional features that may be necessary for your organization's needs. Finding a practical free Slack application can save you time and money while providing quality solutions for your team.

10 tips for optimizing your use of free Slack apps in your workflow

  1. Utilize Slack Apps to Automate Time-Consuming Tasks: Leverage free Slack apps to automate time-consuming tasks and simplify your workflow.
  2. Create Custom Workflows for Different Types of Projects: Use the powerful reporting capabilities of Slack apps to create custom workflows tailored to different types of projects.
  3. Automatically Monitor Task Progress and Receive Notifications: Choose Slack apps that automatically monitor task progress and send notifications to keep you updated on your workflow.
  4. Integrate with Your Other Workflows: Make sure the free Slack app integrates seamlessly with your existing workflows so that you can get the most out of it.
  5. Get the Most Out of Free Slack Apps: Use these tips to get the most out of free Slack apps and optimize your workflow.
  6. Make Use of Advanced Features: Some free Slack apps have advanced features that can further improve your workflow. Be sure to take advantage of them.
  7. Find the Right App for Your Needs: Be sure to research and find the right free Slack app.
  8. Stay Organized with Multiple Channels: Create multiple channels within your app to stay organized and on top of tasks.
  9. Keep Track of Team Activity with Analytics: Utilize the analytics feature in Slack apps to keep track of your team's activity.
  10. Get Help with Set Up and Troubleshooting: Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it when setting up or troubleshooting a free Slack app. With proper guidance, you can ensure your workflow is running smoothly.

15 essential free Slack apps for business communication

The world of business communication is ever-evolving, and the rise of free Slack apps has revolutionized how we communicate with our teams. Slack offers an array of features that make it ideal for businesses, including instant messaging, file sharing, and video conferencing. In addition, there are now a variety of free Slack apps available that can help businesses streamline their communication processes, increase productivity, and improve collaboration. Here are 10 of the essential free Slack apps for business communication:

Each slack integration is either completely free or has free plans. We'll exclude Slack Apps that only have a free trial since that's not permanent.

Todoist: In today's endless distractions, staying productive can be a real struggle. That is why Todoist's slack integration has become such an invaluable slack app for many, task management, setting reminders, and organizing different parts of your life and work.


  • Add tasks to a to-do list using voice recognition
  • Sort to-do-lists by day, upcoming, and other advanced filters
  • Give tasks priority levels
  • Share tasks with others in your organization
  • Track time spent on projects for multiple users

Pricing: Free users can work on up to five projects with five collaborators per project. Upgrading won't cost you an arm and a leg either, with their middle and top tiers costing $4 and $6/month, respectively. Pretty economical compared to many of the free slack apps on this list.

Freshdesk: Freshdesk is an innovative customer service and support platform that helps teams provide an excellent customer experience. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools to help your slack team manage customer inquiries efficiently.


  • Create and update tickets from Slack messages
  • Add personal remarks, and you can respond to clients without opening Freshdesk or switching tabs.
  • Allow ticket notifications from Freshdesk to be posted to a relevant Slack channel.
  • Invite any team member and non-Freshdesk agents to collaborate on tickets.
  • Help your agents find answers to customer problems with an internal knowledge base.

Pricing: Freshdesk's slack integration is free for up to ten support agents. Plans range from $15 to $79, depending on the number of agents, collaborators, and advanced features you need.

Arc Analytics: Arc Analytics is an advanced analytics platform that combines AI and data science to give teams insights into their performance. Integrating with Slack allows users to track and measure key performance metrics such as customer satisfaction, engagement, utilization rates, and more in real-time.


  • Personalized dashboards, automated alerts, reports, and visualizations from the best analytics tools like Google Analytics.
  • Compare team performance against industry standards.
  • Assign and track tasks across multiple workspaces.

Pricing: Arcy Analytics's slack app is free for one project, then $12/month per added project.

TrackingTime: TrackingTime is a comprehensive time and project management solution to help teams stay productive and organized. It features a robust set of tools that allow teams to track their time on tasks, measure performance, keep projects on budget, and maximize employee engagement.


  • View their team's progress in real-time.
  • Create detailed reports that visualize vital data points such as utilization rates or utilization costs over time
  • Allocate resources more efficiently, ensuring everyone meets their deadlines.
  • Respond to messages about project timelines or deadlines from within Slack.

Pricing: The TrackingTime slack app is free for up to three users. After that, it's $5 per user/month. Paid features include unlimited collaboration, advanced reporting, and time management.

Zapier: If you value your time, you need to use Zapier. This slack app allows users to create automated "zaps" that trigger actions in other applications. Zapier isn't just a popular & fun slack app but one of the most used software today.

Since Zapier integrates with thousands of applications, it has an almost infinite number of features. We'll share a few of the notable ones.


Bring up upcoming events, social media mentions, or information on new leads in chat.

Automatically add a task to your to-do list when you save a Slack communication.

  • Send information about new orders from your eCommerce app to a Slack channel.
  • When you save a message, transfer important tasks from Slack to a project management or to-do app.
  • Send form responses to a Slack channel
  • Without leaving Slack, check the status of your Zaps.

Pricing: The Zapier slack app is free for 100 tasks/month. The free plan only includes single-step zaps.

Trello: The integration of Trello and Slack is an excellent solution to close the gap between the two systems. Think about all of the time you spend dancing between tabs. If your team needs to manage tasks, projects, and team assignments on Trello, you can access almost every Trello feature from Slack and save your team loads of time.


  • Create new Trello cards and add them to boards without leaving Slack.
  • Join Trello cards from Slack.
  • Change due dates from Slack.
  • Invite Trello to a Slack channel for automated card & board previews.

Pricing: Trello offers a free version, which may work for small teams who only need up to 10 boards per workspace. (Each project gets its own "board").

Range: Range is a team communication slack app that helps teams share asynchronous updates, create agendas, take meeting notes, and track team goals. If you want to cut down on meetings, Range will help you share status updates across the team without a video call.

Range's integration with Slack provides users with a seamless, single-view experience that allows teams to collaborate better.


  • Run your team Check-ins with Slack.
  • Automatically send check-in reminders.
  • Over 300 team-building questions to help your section build connections and foster trust.

Pricing: The Range slack app is free for 12 users.

Zoom: Zoom and Slack are two of the most widely-used software in business today. But what would happen if you combined them? You get an unbeatable combo. This powerful duo allows users to join video conferences without leaving their Slack workspace.


  • Sharing a Zoom Whiteboard with any Slack channel or direct message is a breeze with this integration.
  • Using the /zoom slash command, you are able to start Zoom meetings and make Zoom phone calls from any Slack channel, private group, or direct message. Both the visual and audio quality of these calls and meetings are flawless.

Pricing: The free zoom option allows for meetings of up to 40 minutes and 100 attendees per meeting.

Giphy: Giphy is an online platform for discovering and sharing GIFs, videos, and other creative content. Giphy's library contains millions of animated GIFs, all of which you can share on Slack to lighten the mood, express your feelings, or make the team building fun.

Pricing: The Giphy slack app is free for everyone.

ClickUp: The all-in-one project management and organizing tool known as ClickUp assists teams in being more productive and efficient in their work. ClickUp provides several customizable views, including calendars, Gantt charts, boards, and lists.


  • Create a unified workflow that helps ensure tasks are tackled and completed on time.
  • Connect tasks in ClickUp to conversations in Slack.
  • Create tasks and comments from messages
  • Receive notifications in Slack from selected ClickUp tasks

Pricing: ClickUps free forever plan is free and allows for unlimited tasks. This plan is for personal use as the next cheapest plan costs $5/month per member.

Lunch Train: Lunch Train makes organizing team lunch outings easy and enjoyable. This simple free slack integration jumps into action with a simple slack command. Then you can plan lunch without clogging up a slack channel.

Pricing: The Lunch Train slack bot is 100% free.

GeekBot: GeekBot allows teams to run asynchronous stand-up meetings in Slack. It automates various tasks in the workspace, such as gathering feedback from team members, scheduling meetings, tracking goals, and more. In addition, Geekbot can save you time by turning routine updates into automated reports.


  • Automate recurring tasks from daily stand-ups and surveys.
  • Run-on-demand reports that sum up the contents of meetings.

Pricing: The Geekbot slack app is free for up to 10 users. 

LucidChart: LucidChart is a powerful visualization tool that allows teams to quickly and easily create beautiful diagrams, flowcharts, mockups, UML models, and more. It integrates seamlessly with Slack API, enabling users to collaborate on projects within the workspace in real-time. 


  • Create data-driven diagrams from scratch or start with a template to quickly get up and running.
  • Easily share documents in any Slack channel.
  • Access the LucidCharts template library with popular use cases.

Pricing: The LucidChart slack app is free, allowing up to 3 editable Lucidchart documents, 60 shapes per Lucidchart document, and 100 templates.

Standup.ly: If you've ever wondered, "what is a slack app?" Standup.ly is an efficient and powerful Slack integration that simplifies how teams conduct their daily stand-ups. Not only can teams automate their daily stand-ups, but they can also assign tasks to individuals or entire departments within the workspace.


  • Automation features allow users to customize their stand-up process according to their specific needs and preferences.
  • Set up recurring tasks or reminders for longer projects or initiatives.
  • You can control who can access certain aspects with slack survey apps and polls and easily keep confidential data safe and secure.

Pricing: The Standup.ly slack app is free for up to three users. 

Simple Poll: SimplePoll is a powerful and easy-to-use Slack polling platform that helps teams collect quick feedback, generate opinions, and make more informed decisions. It is perfect for running polls within small teams and large organizations.


  • All polls are native to the Slack interface, so your colleagues can cast their votes instantly.
  • Hide who voted for which options with anonymous polls.
  • Set up polls to post automatically every day, every week, or every month to fit your remote team members' workflows.

Pricing: The Simple Poll Slack app is free for up to 100 responses/per month, 30 polls/per month, and ten surveys per month.

Grow your business with free Slack apps

There are many benefits to using Slack apps, and free slack apps can enhance your team's experience at no cost. In addition, these apps can strengthen your company culture, raise employee engagement, and increase productivity. Check out the slack app directory to find more free slack apps.

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