37+ Best Slack Apps For Businesses in 2024

January 29, 2023
6 Min Read
Photo by
Carolina Contreras

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The modern workplace is ever-evolving, and staying on top of the best Slack apps for productivity is essential. Keeping up with current trends can be hard, but a well-stocked toolbox is necessary for success. So, we've put together a list of 37 of the best Slack tools to help you make the most of your workflow and make it easier for your team to work together.

From communication tools to project management solutions, these Slack apps will help you increase efficiency, stay organized, and stay connected with the rest of your team. With this list of powerful productivity tools, you can get ahead of the curve and collaborate smarter for better results. 

Make collaboration easier with the best Slack apps for businesses

Collaboration is key for businesses everywhere, with various tasks and projects to manage. One of the best ways to ensure everyone is on the same page is by using Slack apps. With the right app, you can ensure that all your communication needs are taken care of in one place. From team messaging to project management tools, many of the best Slack apps are available for businesses to take advantage of.

Whether you're running a small start-up or a large enterprise, having the right tools can make all the difference in ensuring everyone is on the same page. With these best Slack Apps for business, collaboration becomes more accessible and efficient than ever. From being able to share updates with your team and managing projects quickly, these apps are a must-have for businesses of any size. Get started today and make collaboration more accessible than ever before!

Which Slack app is best for your business? Don't worry; there's a lot to choose from. From tools specifically designed for teams to project management apps, there's something out there for everyone. No matter what kind of organization you have, the right Slack app will make communication more accessible and more efficient. With features like real-time messaging, file sharing, task tracking, and more, these best Slack Apps can help keep your team up to date on all the latest news and developments. So whether you're looking for a project management tool or something more comprehensive, these apps will make collaboration more manageable and effective in your business!

Increase efficiency and streamline workflows with the best Slack tools available

Slack is one of the leading communication tools used by businesses today, and with the right apps, it can increase efficiency and streamline workflows for teams of all sizes. By incorporating the best Slack apps into your workflow, you can take advantage of everything this powerful platform offers. Whether you need help managing tasks and projects, tracking time and attendance, or automating routine processes, Slack apps are available to help. With the right combination of tools, you can create a more efficient and productive work environment for your team.

The best Slack apps can manage tasks efficiently and streamline collaboration between teams. Tools like Asana and Trello can help you manage projects, set deadlines, and assign tasks. Some tools like Zoom and Hangouts make hosting video meetings more effortless than ever before. Time-tracking apps like Toggl, Hubstaff, and Clockify can help you keep track of team members' working hours on various projects. Finally, automation tools such as Zapier and Automate can automate tedious tasks and processes so your team can focus on more significant projects. With the right combination of apps, you can create a more efficient workflow for your business, helping to increase productivity and reduce inefficiencies.

Making remote teams feel connected with the best Slack app for your team

Working remotely can be both a blessing and a curse. While there are many advantages to working from home, staying connected with the rest of your team members can take time and effort. The best Slack apps can help keep remote teams connected in real time and make collaboration more accessible and efficient than ever before. With features such as direct messaging, video conferencing, and file sharing, the best Slack apps can turn working from home into a productive and enjoyable experience.

Choosing the right tools for collaboration is the key to getting the most out of your remote team. The best Slack apps are designed to make it easy for teams to keep up with each other's work, share ideas and feedback, and stay connected. With features such as group chat rooms, task management tools, and document-sharing capabilities, the best Slack apps make communication easy no matter where you are. Best of all, many powerful collaboration tools are free or low-cost, so your team can stay connected without breaking the bank. So whether you're looking for a tool to collaborate more effectively or need a way to stay connected, the best Slack apps can help you do it all.

Collaborate smarter: the best Slack apps for effective team workflows

Working together as a team is crucial for any successful business. However, managing communication and collaboration can be one of the most challenging aspects of working in teams. This is where Slack comes in. Slack is an intuitive messaging platform that helps teams collaborate smarter by providing them with various powerful apps designed to help streamline their workflows. Here, we're looking at the best Slack apps that can help your team work more effectively.

Zoom is the first of the best Slack apps, which allows you to host virtual meetings directly within Slack. This means you don't have to go through the tedious task of setting up and joining video calls manually each time. You can also get notifications when someone else joins or leaves the meeting, helping you keep on track with your team's progress.

Another great Slack app is Dropbox; it allows you to quickly and securely share files between team members without sending them via email. This helps boost productivity as everyone in the team has instant access to the most up-to-date version of any file. Better yet, you don't need to worry about storage space as Dropbox provides an unlimited amount, allowing teams to share important documents or large graphics and images without restrictions.

Finally, Slack also has a task management app called Asana, which allows teams to create, assign, and track tasks in real-time. For example, you can add comments and due dates to tasks and assign them to specific team members. This ensures all tasks are completed on time and keeps the team updated on progress. Asana also integrates easily with other Slack apps, such as Zoom, for easy team collaboration.

By using the best Slack apps, teams can collaborate smarter and get more done in less time. From virtual meetings to task management, the right apps can make a massive difference in the success of your team's workflow. Investing in these tools will help your team stay organized and on track, saving you time and money in the long run.

37 top Slack apps to keep your team connected and productive

Slack is a popular business communication tool that revolutionizes how teams collaborate and communicate. It provides an efficient platform to share files, assign tasks, and keep conversations centralized in one place with its intuitive user interface. Many Slack apps available can help streamline your workflow and make it easier to collaborate on projects. Here are the top 37 popular and valuable Slack apps today: 

Hubspot: HubSpot is a powerful marketing and sales platform designed to help businesses increase their reach, engage customers, and drive more revenue. It offers various tools such as content creation, social media management, website hosting, and CRM capabilities. These tools enable businesses to create effective campaigns and streamline communication and collaboration.

The HubSpot Slack integration also allows users to send notifications, set tasks, and manage customer communications within the Slack platform.

Salesforce: Salesforce is an all-in-one cloud-based customer relationship management platform that offers a complete suite of tools for managing sales, marketing, and customer service. Salesforce's Slack integration allows businesses to connect their operations with the messaging app seamlessly.

Statsbot: Statsbot is an AI-powered analytics assistant that helps businesses make better decisions. It integrates with Slack and enables teams to compile data, analyze metrics, and use it with other data apps.

Arc Analytics: Arc Analytics provides an intuitive and easy-to-use interface allowing users to access and visualize their Google Analytics data in real-time. With Arc's AI-powered engine, businesses can uncover actionable insights from their data to improve operational efficiency, optimize customer experiences, and gain competitive advantages.

With Slack, Arc highlights your essential data points with easy-to-read messages, graphs, and innovative comparison ranges. Access to key data keeps your team informed and helps everyone make better decisions.

Clever Ads: Clever Ads Slack integration enables businesses to manage their advertising campaigns and generate real-time insights in an organized manner. With this integration, users can view detailed statistics about their campaigns, such as the effectiveness of different ad sets and the period each ad has been running.

 Here's what you get with the Clever Ads Slack Integration:

  • Easy collaboration on complex tasks by creating a Slack conversation dedicated to different projects or assignments.
  • Easily share relevant files and information without manually searching through emails or message threads.
  • Automated notifications whenever an ad set has been paused or resumed, as well as an in-depth overview of each campaign's performance.

Project management Slack apps

Project management Slack apps can provide several benefits for teams and businesses. These apps help streamline communication and collaboration between team members, making it easier to keep track of tasks, deadlines, and progress. They can also provide a centralized location for storing and sharing project files, making it easier for team members to access the information they need.

Project management apps can also keep teams organized by providing tools for task tracking, time management, and workflow management. By using a project management Slack app, teams can work more efficiently and effectively, helping to improve productivity and reduce the risk of project delays.

Google Drive: According to the Slack app Directory, one of the most popular Slack apps is Google Drive. If you already use Drive, you need to integrate it with Slack. Do you spend much time leaving Slack to create docs, import files, and read notifications on new comments, files, and access requests?

With the Google Drive Slack app, you can do all of the above without leaving the App. In addition, with the ability to find files by searching directly in Slack, you can access your team's entire Google Drive library in a matter of seconds.

Trello: An excellent option to connect the two platforms is through  Trello Slack. With the app, you can quickly and easily add new tasks and projects, assign them to team members, set due dates, comment on tasks, and more – without leaving Slack.

Think about all of the time you spend doing the "tab tango"? If your team needs to manage tasks, projects, and team assignments on Trello, you can access almost every Trello feature from Slack and save your team loads of time.

Zapier: If you value your time, you need to use Zapier. This app allows users to create automated "zaps" that trigger actions in other applications, such as sending Slack notifications when certain events occur. This highly advanced workflow builder allows teams to quickly and easily set up complex processes that automate repetitive tasks.

ClickUp: To increase team productivity and efficiency, ClickUp is an all-in-one project management and organizing application. ClickUp offers flexible views such as lists, boards, Gantt charts, and calendars to assist users in tracking their progress and managing tasks in real-time.

Using the integration between ClickUp and Slack, teams can create a unified workflow that helps ensure tasks are tackled and completed on time. In addition, with this integration, users can easily connect their tasks in ClickUp to conversations in Slack. As a result, it is simpler to keep track of all project-related discussions in one location.

Workast: The Workast Slack app helps teams on Slack organize their work, delegate tasks, manage projects, run meetings, streamline processes, and gain visibility of what your team is working on.

Sound familiar with other project management tools like Asana and ClickUp?

It is, but there are a few differences:

  • Workast is designed for Slack so you can say goodbye to flooded inboxes.
  • Workast is a more budget-friendly option, offering free Slack app plan.
  • If you're looking to switch from Asana or ClickUp to Workast, you can easily import tasks with a CVS file or Zapier Zap.

Things are coming full circle, aren't they?

Status Hero: Status Hero is a team communication tool that helps teams stay on top of their tasks, prioritize their workloads, and achieve better results in less time.

With Status Hero, Slack teams can:

  • Update their status in real-time with live updates and scheduled check-ins.
  • Get powerful insights into the performance of individual team members and entire teams so that leaders can quickly identify areas for improvement and improve project management.
  • Set up notifications for any important event or milestone – such as deadline reminders, overdue task notifications, or custom messages – making it easier to keep everyone informed and motivated throughout the project.
  • Dropbox: Dropbox is cloud-based data storage and file-sharing service. It provides users with secure access to their files from virtually any device, allowing them to store, share, collaborate, and sync essential documents and media.

 The Slack integration allows users to:

  • Sync files between their Slack workspace and Dropbox account.
  • Drag-and-drop files from Dropbox into Slack channels or DM conversations.
  • Add comments to files before sharing them so that team members know exactly what they're looking at before they open them.
  • Set up secured file access in Slack by requiring password protection when sharing certain types of content from Dropbox.

1Password: 1Password is the easiest way to store and use strong passwords. With only one click, securely log into websites and fill out forms. 1Password lets teams securely share everything they need to work together. Never worry about your team's personal information being compromised.

Productivity Slack apps

Productivity Slack apps offer features like task assignments, reminders, and progress tracking, which can help teams stay on track and meet deadlines more efficiently. As a result, productivity Slack apps can help teams be more efficient, organized, and productive, ultimately leading to better results and outcomes.

Tettra: Tettra is an intuitive productivity platform that allows teams to store, organize, and share knowledge quickly and easily. With Tettra, users can create organized libraries of shared knowledge that are easy for everyone on the team to find and access. This includes everything from company policies and procedures to educational materials for onboarding new employees. By centralizing all relevant information in one place, teams can save time and stay on top of their tasks more efficiently and accurately.

With Slack integration, teams can quickly access all their essential documents from within the Slack workspace, streamlining collaboration and communication.

Time Doctor: Time Doctor is an advanced time-tracking and productivity tool that integrates seamlessly with Slack. With Slack integration, teams can track their work activity from within the app and gain real-time insights into how much time members spend on tasks and projects. This ensures that everyone uses their time efficiently and encourages accountability for each team member.

Additional Time Doctor features include screenshots, activity levels, website and app usage analytics, automatic timesheets, and invoicing.

IFTTT:  IFTTT Users can create automated workflows and tasks using the robust automation tool (If This Then That), which interfaces with Slack. With IFTTT's Slack integration, teams can easily create triggers and actions that kick off when certain conditions are met—such as when someone posts a new message in a specific channel or mentions a particular keyword. This makes it easier for teams to stay on top of their projects without manually checking in all the time.

Employee engagement/culture Slack apps

Employee engagement and culture Slack apps can significantly benefit a company by fostering a positive work environment and promoting employee satisfaction. In addition, these apps provide a platform for employees to share ideas, give feedback, and connect with their colleagues, which helps to build a sense of community and belonging within the company. 

They can also provide tools for managers to recognize and reward employees for their contributions, increasing motivation and engagement. Additionally, employee engagement and culture Slack apps can help promote transparency and open communication within a company, leading to better decision-making, problem-solving, and overall performance. Overall, employee engagement and culture Slack apps can create a positive work culture, promote employee satisfaction, and ultimately lead to better results and outcomes for the company.

Polly: Polly is a robust team engagement and culture tool that helps organizations foster better team building. With Polly's Slack integration, users can easily create simple multiple-choice or open-ended questions and set notifications for instant feedback. It also provides an intuitive interface that allows admins to customize settings to get the most out of collaboration.

Allly OKR: Ally OKR is designed to help teams streamline their goal-setting, management, and project management. With Ally OKR's Slack integration, users can quickly connect teams, assign tasks and objectives, receive feedback on progress, and measure results in real-time.

Matter: Matter is a collaboration platform designed to help teams stay connected and productive by making employee recognition and rewards fun. Matters features help build team morale, foster collaboration and improve team culture.

Features include:

  • The Matter Slack Bot will kick off Feedback Friday once a week, encouraging your team to give the gift of feedback.
  • Give kudos publicly in Slack, letting your team recognize each other regularly and at the moment.
  • Give and receive Matter coins which can be redeemed for gift cards, company rewards, and charitable donations, to show extra appreciation.

Matter allows companies, whether it's a remote team or an in-person team, to boost work culture, employee engagement, and production.

Cloverpop: Cloverpop is a decision-making tool that helps teams make better decisions and move faster. Cloverpop enables the decentralization of decision-making without slowing down or sacrificing coordination or control.

Teams need to make decisions in Slack quickly, and getting lost in the shuffle is easy. Cloverpop keeps everyone in the loop across every Slack channel, cutting down on the legwork needed to track down people for signoffs and rehash old decisions.

The Cloverpop Slack app's five main features include sending decision polls, requesting approvals, announcing decisions, tracking results, and pinpointing decisions in Slack.

Zonka Feedback: Zonka Feedback is a staff survey and feedback platform that helps organizations embed customer-centricity into their culture. With its Slack integration, users can easily collect, analyze and manage customer feedback in real-time.

Zonka Feedback ensures businesses always have access to the latest customer feedback. In addition, integrations with third-party tools such as Salesforce, Zendesk, Microsoft Dynamics, and Zapier create more comprehensive data tracking and analysis.

Giphy: Giphy is an online platform for discovering and sharing GIFs, videos, and other creative content. It offers customers a vast selection of GIFs that can be searched across the entire web. Browse through millions of animated GIFs to find one that best expresses their thoughts and feelings.

Slack's integration with Giphy makes it easy to find the perfect GIF or video to express your thoughts and feelings. With just a few clicks, you can search through millions of animated GIFs, videos, and other creative content which can be embedded into your posts and messages in seconds.

Zoom: We're all familiar with Zoom. Take all of Zoom's features, and integrate them with the most popular company communication app. What do you get? The Zoom + Slack integration allows users to save even more time by joining video conferences without leaving their Slack workspace. Features like breakout rooms, screen sharing, and chatbot integration make the experience more immersive.

Two features you'll like:

  • Easily send a straight Slack message or share a Zoom Whiteboard with any Slack channel.
  • Any Slack channel, private group, or instant message can start a Zoom conference or initiate a Zoom phone call with flawless video and audio quality by using the shorthand /zoom slash command.

Google Calendar (+ Calendar for team events): How many times a day do you go to Google and type in Google Calendar? The Google Calendar Slack app lets you keep track of upcoming events, tasks, and meetings within their Slack workspace. You can display their calendars for quick reference, create and manage events, share those with team members, set reminders for upcoming tasks, and view past events.

What more needs to be said? You already use Google Calendar, so let's ease the friction when managing multiple projects and get the Google Calendar Slack app.

Loom: Loom is one of the best Slack apps and software people use outside of Slack. This app lets you quickly record and share screen recordings using a desktop, laptop, or mobile app. Somewhere between meetings and emails, there's a class of information that is too complex for an email but doesn't necessitate a meeting. 

Our remote team frequently records Loom's to go over SOPs so teammates can watch them as much as they'd like. So what can Loom do for you within Slack? The Loom Slack app will allow you to record, preview, and share Looms in Slack, watch recordings directly from Slack and embed videos in Slack.

GeekBot: GeekBot allows teams to run asynchronous stand-up meetings in Slack. It automates various tasks in the workspace, such as gathering feedback from team members, scheduling appointments, tracking goals, and more. In addition, Geekbot can save you time by turning routine updates into automated reports.

Range: Range is a team communication app that helps teams share asynchronous updates, create agendas, take meeting notes, and track team goals. If you want to cut down on meetings, Range will help you share status updates across the team without a video call.

Range's integration with Slack provides Slack users with a seamless, single-view experience that allows teams to collaborate better.

Slack For Gmail: Slack for Gmail allows users to send emails directly from Slack. This helps teams stay organized and efficient by eliminating the need to switch between apps. In addition, project management gets easier when you spend less time doing the tab shuffle.

Here are a few of our favorite features:

  • Send emails without leaving the conversation or thread.
  • Attach files directly from Google Drive or Dropbox
  • Search your inbox right within Slack.

HR Slack apps

HR Slack apps can significantly benefit a company by streamlining HR processes and making them more efficient and effective. Employees can access crucial information and carry out tasks like requesting time off, updating personal information, and accessing benefits information thanks to these apps' ability to interact with HR administration systems. They can also provide a platform for communication between HR and employees, which can help to improve transparency and resolve issues more quickly. Additionally, HR Slack apps can provide tools for tracking and managing employee performance, which can help managers to identify areas for improvement, provide feedback, and recognize high-performing employees. Overall, HR Slack apps can help automate HR processes, improve communication and transparency, and aid in managing employee performance, leading to better results and outcomes for the company.

Hubstaff: Hubstaff's Slack app is essential for teams collaborating and staying up-to-date with their projects. One great feature is the automatic notification Hubstaff will send when a task is completed. This app helps teams stay up to date on who works on what and when. If you think reducing your team's downtime will improve productivity, then Hubstaff may help.

Teamplay: Teampay's Slack integration allows teams to automate and streamline their payment process. With Teampay, users can easily create and manage payments from Slack, including setting up automated payments, tracking invoices, and creating budgeting rules. Additionally, users can also view spending reports directly in Slack to get a better understanding of where their money is going.

TimeBot: TimeBot is an automated time-tracking and management tool. With its integration with Slack, users can easily track their time and project tasks within the chat window. Time also allows users to customize their tracking with powerful rules, letting them set up reminders for when a task needs to be completed or when a team member is working too much overtime.

Fyle: Fyle is the perfect solution for teams who need to streamline their expense management process. Fyle's Slack integration allows users to easily create and manage expenses from within Slack, setting up automated expense tracking with powerful rules that provide instant visibility and control over spending. Employees can report expenses within the app, and managers can approve them.

Workday: Workday is an enterprise-level Human Capital Management (HCM) software solution designed to help businesses streamline their HR processes and manage employee data. This integration allows users to create and manage employee records from Slack quickly. This means a more straightforward HR onboarding process while helping teams comply with relevant labor regulations.

Flamingo: Flamingo is an app that automates leave requests, approvals and scheduling for Slack teams. It lets team members request leave in just a few clicks, directly within Slack, and automatically adds approved leaves to the team’s leave schedule and updates other team members on any upcoming absences. Using Flamingo is a vast improvement over manually updating spreadsheets and tracking email threads, which is how many Slack teams currently manage leave.

Health & wellness Slack apps

Health & wellness Slack apps can significantly benefit employees by providing them with resources and tools to improve their health and well-being. These apps can provide information on healthy living, exercise, and mental health, which can help employees make informed decisions about their health. They can also offer resources such as meditation guides and stress-management techniques, which can help employees to manage their stress levels and improve their mental well-being. Additionally, health & wellness Slack apps can provide access to virtual fitness classes, nutrition plans, and resources for tracking progress, which can help employees to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. In general, health and wellness Slack apps give workers the information they need to make wise decisions about their health and well-being, which improves performance and makes the workforce more effective.

Meditation Live: Meditation Live is a new Slack app designed to help teams stay mindful and focused while d remotely. Users can access guided meditation sessions, mindfulness exercises, and activities that promote better mental health and well-being through its intuitive user interface. With Meditation Live's Slack integration, people can conveniently access guided meditations from within the app.

Gratitudely: Gratitudely is a Slack app that helps teams and individuals practice gratitude daily. Gratitude encourages us to take a few daily moments to express our appreciation. In addition, Gratitudely will post random gratitude prompts from Mondays to Fridays to share our gratitude with team members, increasing self-esteem and reducing stress.

Yerbo: Yerbo is a mental well-being tool that equips engineering managers with early signals, actionable steps, and resources that brings stress and burnout under control. It enables everyone to gain the knowledge needed to be mentally strong so that teams can be more productive and healthier than ever.

Employee Wellness: Employee Wellness for Slack allows groups & teams of any size to create fun and engaging wellness activities and step challenges. Capturing wellness activities through chatbots and fun leaderboards brings the whole team into a more active lifestyle while working from home.

In conclusion, Slack apps can provide many benefits for businesses and organizations. From productivity apps that streamline communication and organization to employee engagement and culture apps that foster a positive work environment to HR and health & wellness apps that provide resources for overall well-being, there is a Slack app for every need. 

By utilizing the right apps, teams can improve efficiency, performance, and overall results. For example, slack apps can help to improve communication, streamline processes, and provide valuable resources and tools, ultimately leading to a more productive and successful workforce. It's important to note that selecting the appropriate apps might be challenging, but with the right strategy, it can be completed without difficulty.

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