Kudos: Employee Appreciation in 2024 [Complete Guide]

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Your employee has been working his tail off for the company. His creativity, hard work, and dedication have finally won an achievement you've been coveting -- inching you past all your competitors and making you stand out in your industry. You're pleased as punch, but you know that's what comes with the territory. He did it because it was his job; he gets a paycheck, right? Tomorrow is business as usual, and you don't have time for thanks, recognition, or any of that new-fangled kudos.

Or do you?

It may be time to rethink your business decisions so you don't have to revisit them when your big achievement melts away into nothingness and your star employee decides o go to the competition. Every minute spent in employee appreciation and recognition has a higher ROI than the hours you spend pouring over the ledgers. And kudos? There's a reason they've been around since ancient times. Kudos are inextricably linked to motivation, recognition, and reward. 

Kudos is a form of recognition that can reward an employee for their excellence. It has become increasingly popular as an effective way to motivate and appreciate employees, who, in turn, will work harder and more productively. Kudos is especially useful in the modern workplace, where creative and innovative strategies are needed to maximize employee rewards incentives.

They're more than just fun kiddie awards you get for gold stars; kudos are tools used by businesses of all kinds to encourage their employees' good behavior. They're the secret ingredient that can take that past success and turn it into continual, overarching successes from an employee who would never dream of leaving the company.

Definition of kudos

Okay, kudos is k-u-d-o-s. It's an ancient Greek word meaning "glory" or "praise." It has been adapted to English as a noun and a verb- gaining popularity from companies around the world because it fits right into the overarching goal of workplace productivity: Kudos represents recognition, appreciation, respect, and honor for your fellow employees. In short? Kudos is awesome. Why should you bother with kudos at work? Put plainly: Kudos is the only rewards strategy you'll need.

All work and no Kudos make Jill a dull girl, so feel free to let Kudos into your office. There are kudos for every occasion and kudos that can be awarded even on a daily basis, just for showing up at work or going above and beyond in their tasks. Kudos are the single biggest motivator for employee engagement and can drive your employee retention numbers up as well: it's been known that people with positive feelings about themselves tend not to quit their jobs. Award kudos for everyday work-not when you need them the most-- and make intrinsic motivation your secret weapon.

Synonyms of kudos

Kudos is a term used to express approval and admiration, commonly given when someone has gone above and beyond expectations. A kudos synonym can include words such as accolade, recognition, applause, tribute, praise, honor, and commendation. However, these terms can be used instead of "kudos" to convey respect and admiration for someone's achievements or efforts.

The phrase "kudos" is frequently used in professional settings to commend and honor staff members for their devotion, perseverance, and innovative ideas. It can also acknowledge successful projects or initiatives an individual or team achieves. Kudos is a powerful way to show appreciation in any setting, as it is an informal form of recognition that can motivate and inspire others to reach higher levels of success.

In addition to professional contexts, kudos can also be used to acknowledge positive efforts in personal relationships. Recognizing the hard work, dedication, and effort put into a relationship is one way to show appreciation for a partner or loved one. You can also use kudos to recognize the accomplishments of friends, family members, and colleagues to offer support and admiration for their successes. Using kudos is an effective way to build strong relationships with those around you.

No matter the context, kudos are a powerful form of recognition that can help to foster positive relationships and create lasting impacts on people's lives. It is an informal yet meaningful way of showing appreciation and admiration for someone's efforts and accomplishments. Kudos is a term that can help to build strong connections, inspire others, and provide much-needed recognition in any setting.

Here is a list of kudos synonyms you can use:

  • Acclamation
  • Applause
  • Acknowledgment
  • Praise
  • Congratulations
  • Admiration
  • Esteem
  • Honor
  • Notability
  • Distinction

Where does kudos come from?

Kudos has been around for some time. It was first recorded as used by Homer, an ancient Greek poet who introduced kudos into his epic works as a word of praise, renown, and honor. He attributed kudos to the goddess Aphrodite who inspired him to use Kudos in his career. The Kudos you're awarding at work is a modern version of Kudos from ancient Greece, but its meaning remains more or less constant throughout generations. Today, it is primarily used in a workplace setting, but you can give Kudos to your roommate, spouse, or hairdresser if you appreciate them for something they've done.

Why kudos are important

Introducing kudos is the best way to make your company more successful. It provides an incentive structure that encourages employees to do their jobs well without resorting to free food and massages as bribe tactics.

Here are some reasons why kudos shouldn't be left out of an office strategy:

  1. Kudos creates appreciation in the workplace: There's something to that old saying: if you want to grow apples, plant apples! If you'd like to increase appreciation, plant appreciation, and do it by giving kudos liberally to everyone who half-deserves it. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be sincere sincerity is key to successful kudos. But you'll find sincere appreciation is easier than you anticipated once you realize all the hard work that goes into just another day at the office.
  2. Kudos boosts morale and motivation: Research shows that Kudos boosts morale and motivation. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that Kudos is the most fantastic morale booster in any company, and it's also something that can be given to remote teams. In addition, meaningful recognition in the form of kudos makes for an excellent motivator across all kinds of work structures.
  3. Kudos is inexpensive: Kudos don't need to break the bank, either- you can give kudos for free with praise alone! Give Kudos liberally even if there isn't time for kudos-related activities, or try emailing out kudos or passing out physical awards at lunchtime with no formal ceremony at all! You can also use kudos with kudos software like the Slack and Teams app Matter (more on that later).
  4. Kudos encourages competitive behavior: Kudos rewards can be a fierce motivator, and competition creates a more dynamic, productive workplace. If your employees are kudded out one way or the other, they'll repay this effort by kudding everyone else up, too :D! It's like an avalanche of kudosity! Everyone will do their part to earn company Kudos at all times simply because it feels so great to do something nice every day. And then the workplace magic that ensues is second only to employee appreciation itself.

The best part? You don't have to settle for anyone's word on why kudos work; many studies are available online on Kudos and kudo awards. You can see firsthand how Kudos improves morale and motivation daily and how employees consistently appreciate it, no matter what form they take!

How to gather and give kudos

Ready to start? First, make sure your kudos is genuine, not merely transactional or meant as a reward for doing something wrong. This will encourage appreciation to flow both ways; think of how rewarding it feels when you're kuded by someone, whether your employer or roommate. Kudoing shows others they're appreciated and valued as part of your team, company, or friendship circle.

Here are some ideas for kudos giving:

  • Email or handwritten notes of thanks
  • Shoutouts on kudos software- like the Slack kudos app Matter!
  • Physical awards, whether they're engraved or not
  • Kudos-points toward a kudos kitty or kudos jar
  • Kudo-candy

There are many Kudos ideas, and yes, you can kudo your kudos. The more kudoses they get, the happier everyone will be with kudos! Ready with kudos ideas? Now it's time to start passing them out. You can do so immediately after successful work events as projects are launched, and campaigns pulled off successfully, whatever milestone is most relevant to your business.

The most significant benefit of kudos is its effectiveness over other reward tactics. Not only does Kudosing provide a sense of appreciation for employees, but it also makes them feel part of a community. Moreover, kudos aren't just top-down. They can be shared between coworkers or even from staff to their higher-ups.

If you'd like to gather kudos, here are some hints:

  • Encourage your team members to send out 3-6 kudos daily. They're responsible for finding praiseworthy actions to target with their kudos -- let the hunt begin!
  • Do things that are praiseworthy regularly so everyone has something to find.
  • Give kudos to yourself. Someone who just received positive feedback is most likely to pass it on.
  • If they still don't get the hint, you can always highlight your struggles with status messages throughout the day, so your staff knows a kudos-worthy event is coming up.

Here's an example:

  • Status message #1 - Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel 
  • Status message #2 - I almost got this! #nevergiveup
  • Status message #3 - Victory I can almost taste 
  • Status message #4 - I DID IT #Kudosworthyachievements

Seriously, if you don't want to draw it out, a simply #kudosworthyachievements tag on the end of a single victory message should let your team know there's someone around ready to be thanked if they aren't dense.

13 benefits of kudos

Here are a few more reasons Kudos are important in the workplace:

  1. Kudos written on cards: If Kudos are written on Kudos cards (which they can be), then kudo giving becomes ceremonial, like handing out diplomas or trophies. Everyone likes receiving an accolade, and your workplace will have good vibes.
  2. Teammates return the favor: Employees who receive Kudos return the favor by Kudosing their teammates; it's like a snowball effect, so you should start early!
  3. Kudos-giving motivates employees: Internally motivating staff is difficult, but Kudos makes the process easier by letting them know what they're doing is appreciated. Employees will try harder if they know someone is watching.
  4. Accolades and good vibes: When you receive a kudos for your hard work, the positive energy that comes along with it can be priceless! It's like a pat on the back from your peers, an acknowledgment of all the effort that you put into your task.
  5. A boost of confidence: It's no secret that we all crave recognition for our accomplishments. So, when someone takes the time to recognize your hard work and give you a kudos, it can help give you a major confidence boost!
  6. Motivation to keep going: It's easy to feel discouraged when things don't go as planned. But when you receive a kudos for a job well done, it can be the perfect pick-me-up to keep going and reach your goals!
  7. Increased productivity: Recognizing your hard work with a kudos can also help motivate you to keep pushing forward. In fact, an external source of motivation can be a great way to increase your productivity.
  8. Strengthened relationships: When you receive a kudos from someone, it allows them to connect with you at an emotional level. Acknowledging each other's work can help build stronger relationships with those around you.
  9. Improved recognition: Having someone give you a kudos is an excellent way to build recognition for your work. It shows that others appreciate and value your efforts, and it can open up more opportunities for future projects.
  10. More recognition: Giving out kudos is also an effective way to receive more recognition from your peers. When people know that you're willing to recognize the hard work of others, they'll be more likely to offer their praises as well.
  11. A great way to show appreciation: Letting someone know that you appreciate their efforts is always a great way to show your gratitude. Whether for a job well done or simply being a great teammate, kudos are an excellent way to express appreciation.
  12. Improved quality of work: Giving and receiving kudos for a job well done can ensure everyone puts their best foot forward with their work. It will help create an atmosphere of excellence and motivate everyone to put in the extra effort.
  13. Increased Satisfaction: Knowing that your work is being appreciated and recognized can be one of the best feelings in the world. Giving and receiving kudos will create a more positive environment, allowing everyone to feel satisfied.

Team kudos that increase morale

Team kudos are a great way to increase morale in the workplace. They can be used to acknowledge hard work or to show appreciation and support for your team members. Kudos allow team members to recognize each other's efforts and contributions, creating a stronger sense of camaraderie within the company. With kudos, team members can express positive feelings and cheer on one another’s successes, leading to increased motivation and enhanced performance. Kudos can be given formally in meetings or informally with a simple pat on the back. They can even be sent electronically via email or other digital platforms. No matter how they are given, team kudos are a great way to lift team morale and create a more supportive work environment. By recognizing the efforts of individuals, you can help foster an atmosphere of respect and appreciation that will help build stronger teams and increase overall productivity.

Team kudos are easy to implement and do not require any significant financial commitment. They can be as simple or elaborate as you want and can take various forms, such as verbal recognition, tokens of appreciation, awards, or even monetary rewards. Whatever you choose to do, team kudos are sure to make your team members feel valued and appreciated. They will help increase morale and show that their hard work has been noticed and appreciated.

By taking the time to recognize your team members, you can create an environment where everyone works together for a common goal and, ultimately, a successful organization. Team kudos are a win-win situation that will help keep morale high and increase productivity in the workplace.

Using a kudos example to bring out the best in your team

Using a kudos example to bring out the best in your team is one of the most effective ways to create a positive and productive workplace culture. You set an example for others to follow by recognizing good work and providing recognition. This encourages employees to focus on their strengths, take the initiative and continuously strive for excellence. Not only does this impact employee morale and motivation, but it also helps foster a company culture that values the contributions of every individual.

By recognizing those who have gone above and beyond in their work or simply done an exemplary job, you can create a positive atmosphere where peer recognition is appreciated and valued. This type of environment promotes collaboration and cooperation within teams, leading to better productivity and success. One of the most effective and straightforward methods to motivate your team, boost morale, and create a positive culture at work is to recognize their efforts and successes. This can have a significant impact on not only motivation but also productivity levels, as employees will feel more valued by their peers and the company. In short, using a kudos example effectively brings out the best in your team.

13 customer service kudos ideas

Kudos is an easy way to recognize and reward those providing excellent customer service. Customer service kudos can take many forms, from verbal praise to special awards or bonuses. Employees who are consistently recognized for their customer service excellence will be more motivated to maintain high standards for your customers.

One idea is to offer an employee of the month award. This can be a tangible reward accompanied by public recognition. You could also create kudos cards, which employees can hand out at their discretion to recognize an individual or team for extraordinary customer service efforts. Monetary rewards and bonuses are other ways to show appreciation, especially when the budget permits. Recognition from senior management is always welcome, as well as handwritten notes of appreciation for excellent service. Whatever form of kudos you decide to use, make sure it communicates your sincere gratitude and encourages employees to continue delivering outstanding customer service.

  1. Send an email: Sending an Email to Your Customer Service Team With Good Work Kudos - Showing appreciation for your customer service team's good work is a great way to encourage their dedication and positive attitude.
  2. Kudos certificates: Giving Out Certificates of Kudos - Rewarding exceptional customer service with certificates of kudos is a great way to demonstrate that you value their contributions.
  3. Send a kudos card: Make someone feel extra special by sending them a kudos card. You can make one at home, order one online, or buy some from a store. Include an uplifting message and something small to show your appreciation for the person. It'll be sure to boost their day!
  4. Share a special kudos gif: Make someone's day by sending them a unique and funny kudos gif. You can find some online or even create your own. It will be sure to put a smile on their face!
  5. Send kudos images with quotes: Say thank you with Images with quotes to show your appreciation for excellent customer service. Send images of inspirational or motivational quotes to encourage the person and make their day brighter!
  6. Kudos box: Treat your customer service team to a kudos box filled with treats or small gifts they can enjoy every time they do an outstanding job.
  7. Wall of fame: Create a wall of fame in the customer service department where employees can be honored for their excellent performance and contributions.
  8. Popcorn and movie night: Hold a movie night for your customer service team to enjoy as a reward for their good work.
  9. Team meal outing: Take your customer service team out for a special meal at an upscale restaurant to thank them for their hard work and dedication.
  10. Celebration luncheons: Host a special appreciation luncheon for your customer service team so they can feel the recognition and gratitude for their hard work.
  11. Getaway trip: Offer your customer service team an all-expense paid trip to reward them for their exemplary performance.
  12. Surprise gift baskets: Create surprise gift baskets for your customer service team to express your appreciation and gratitude.
  13. Team spa day: Treat your customer service team to a spa day as a reward for their exceptional work and dedication.

Kudos employee recognition

That’s why Kudos are important for employee recognition, and many companies, big and small, have implemented the giving (and getting) of Kudos as part of their employee recognition system. Sometimes this is done formally, with a company marking down gratitude stars on a kudos board that will later be added up to calculate a yearly bonus. 

Other businesses put a kudos jar in the shared workspace, and raffle off prizes on a month or bi-monthly basis. But even if kudos at your company is just that a heartfelt thanks and some well-deserved praise, it can still be incredibly effective at boosting morale, encouraging strong connection and collaboration, and forming a culture of appreciation at your workplace. 

Remote teams and kudos

We've covered the benefits of kudo-ing employees you're in contact with daily, but what about those remote workers? Unfortunately, it's only sometimes possible to thank your virtual team members in person, but that doesn't make the kudos culture any less relevant to remote teams. The best way to introduce Kudos to your digital workplace is with Kudos software that allows team members to send and receive digital kudos from their phones and computer screens. However, you can also use a corporate social network or your standard social media.

Kudos are helpful for remote teams because remote workers tend to be more isolated than their in-office counterparts, but no one can feel lonely with a constant stream of relevant, authentic, real-life praise! Make a point of recognizing your virtual employees even when nothing spectacular is going on. Consistent drudgery deserves as much praise as those exciting moments when everyone can see something grand and big has just happened.

More on employee kudos

Kudos are an effective way to recognize and reward hard work in remote teams. They allow team members to communicate appreciation for their peers’ efforts, providing them with affirmation and validation. Employee kudos also foster collaboration as they encourage each individual to contribute their share of the work. Moreover, kudos can help boost morale by reinforcing a positive team spirit and a sense of accomplishment.

To ensure that your kudos are effective, it is essential to recognize and reward specific achievements. This means going beyond general words of praise and focusing on the actual accomplishments that team members have made. Additionally, ensure that kudos are authentic and genuine; nothing kills motivation faster than insincere compliments! Finally, ensure that everyone in the remote team is given an equal opportunity to receive kudos for their work.

Kudos are an excellent way to recognize and reward the efforts of remote teams, but they should be used responsibly. With the proper guidance, kudos can help foster collaboration, boost morale, strengthen relationships, and motivate team members in remote settings. Encourage your remote team to use this powerful tool and watch as their performance and team spirit improve.

Kudos ideas

You can give Kudos for anything! The important thing is that your Kudos for employees is genuine and not just an HR gesture.

Here are some Kudos ideas you can try out or use as inspiration:

  • Kudos for being proactive in asking questions -- the sign of a great team member
  • Kudos for showing integrity in dealings with the public at large
  • Kudos for successfully executing on a task. even if it doesn't seem super visible to outsiders, it was noticed!
  • Kudos for being flexible and showing up to a meeting even though the information was sent out too late

Be super specific when giving your Kudos so the recipient knows it was earned -- you’re not just being phony and pretend and passing off fake Kudos to everyone. You can give Kudos online, in an email, or written on a Kudos card, or be old-fashioned and use word of mouth! Since we’re focused on fame and recognition here, though, best practices suggest you should be loud about it and let the whole office know that employee X did something wonderful. 

11 kudos examples

The following list of kudos examples covers a variety of ways kudos giving can make your team more awesome:

  1. "I liked how you handled client X yesterday!" 
  2. "You got client X's account? I'm totally impressed." 
  3. "Wow, it was really nice of you to come in this weekend." 
  4. "You saved the day! Thank you" 
  5. "Nice job keeping up with that information, I knew I could count on you!" 
  6. "I'm glad you were there today to help me out." 
  7. "Thank you for being so patient with customer Y."
  8. "WOW! Kudos for your exceptionally organized meeting notes. They are so helpful!"
  9. "Good job on that report! I could never have sorted out those tables on my own."
  10. "Thanks for staying up late to finish Y. You're a life saver!"
  11. "I love how enthusiastic everyone is about roll-out Z. Let's have an informal kudo party, k?"

Kudos cards

Kudos cards are a simple and effective way to show appreciation. They allow individuals to recognize their peers in a meaningful and memorable way. You can use kudos cards in the workplace, classroom, or even at home among family members. Not only do they offer an opportunity for recognition and acknowledgment of great work, but they also act as a reminder of how important it is to acknowledge the positive contributions of those around us. Kudos cards are a thoughtful way of showing appreciation, and they let recipients know their efforts have been noticed and appreciated. They can be used as an incentive for hard work or a simple token of thanks, making them an ideal tool for encouraging collaboration and team building. With kudos cards, you can share recognition with everyone in your organization and ensure everyone feels appreciated for their hard work.

Kudos images/gifs

When you need some kudos inspiration or just a pick-me-up, kudos images, and gifs can be beneficial. It's like searching the grocery store card aisle for that perfect Thank you card. Except that these gifs are funnier, they're free, and you've got a much more extensive selection. A few favorite sources for kudos images:

  • Gify: All the gifs and a few besides. Don't pick randomly from this collection. You have an even chance of offending your recipient or clocking a violation against team culture. Still, if you choose well, you can find more than a few kudos gifs that express your gratitude toward that hard-working employee in a way that just words can't measure up to.
  • Adobe Stock: A good source for non-moving images. This repository boasts 16,492 kudos-related images last I checked, and though they aren't gifs, some are pretty cunning. Admission: no-one has checked down to the thousandth page to see if they're just as good at the bottom of the barrel.
  • 123rf: This is where you go for the vector art you need to make up your custom kudos cards or kudos posters. They've got card templates and illustrations suitable for stickers, stamps, or full-size printouts. 

Show your appreciation with a kudos gif

Using a kudos gif to show appreciation for employees and colleagues is a great way to create a positive workplace culture and boost morale. In addition, this simple gesture of recognition significantly impacts the office's overall atmosphere and productivity.

A kudos gif can be incorporated into any social software platform or blog post, allowing instant recognition of employees and peers. This helps to foster relationships and creates a sense of unity within the company, which in turn has a positive effect on overall company culture. Additionally, by showing your appreciation with a kudos gif, you can ensure that everyone in the organization is motivated to do their best work!

A kudos gif is also great for showing gratitude without wasting your time. It only takes a few seconds to produce a "kudos" gif and email it to a coworker or employee, making it a speedy but meaningful way to show appreciation for their hard work. Additionally, using the same image or message each time someone is recognized helps create consistency, further boosting morale and fostering unity within the organization.

A kudos gif is an effective tool for showing appreciation in the workplace. By incorporating them into your social software platform or blog posts, letting employees use them, and keeping them consistent, you can ensure that employees feel appreciated and motivated to do their best work. In addition to these benefits, a kudos gif also saves time, making it incredibly efficient to show gratitude and respect. So take advantage of this simple yet powerful gesture of recognition!

Make kudos images shine with these 3 tips and tricks

Having a strong workplace culture is essential to any successful company. A great way to show appreciation for employees and colleagues is by using kudos images, which are simple yet effective gestures of recognition that help create a positive company culture. Kudos images can significantly impact workplace morale and productivity, but they must be appropriately used to be effective. Here are some pointers and advice to help you get the most out of kudos images at work:

  1. Incorporate them into your social software: Add a kudos image as a reaction or comment when someone does something noteworthy on your company's social media page, blog post, or other digital platforms. This will show everyone in the organization how much you appreciate their efforts, whether it's a coworker or a peer.
  2. Let employees use them: Allowing your employees to send kudos images to one another is a great way to foster relationships and boost morale in the workplace. However, ensure that all users understand proper etiquette when sending kudos images and that they know any rules or regulations you have in place.
  3. Keep it consistent: Using the same image or message each time someone is recognized will help build a sense of unity and community among your employees. This can help foster a strong company culture, leading to improved productivity and engagement.

These are just a few suggestions that might assist you in getting the most out of the kudos images at your workplace. Following these guidelines makes employees feel appreciated and motivated to do their best work.

Kudos awards and why they matter

Kudos awards are a way to recognize and celebrate the achievements of our colleagues, teams, or even entire organizations. By acknowledging and honoring those who have gone above and beyond in their work, we foster a culture of appreciation and respect that motivates people to strive for excellence. Kudos awards also create an atmosphere of collaboration where everyone is invested in helping each other succeed. This can result in increased morale and productivity, creating a healthier work environment for everyone.

Kudos awards can be presented to individuals, teams, or organizations who have excelled in their respective fields. They are also an effective way of rewarding people who have made notable contributions to the success of a project or organization. Kudos awards can help to build a culture of recognition and appreciation in any organization.

Kudos software

Employee recognition platforms that include kudos software allow employees to share kudos with each other. For example, employees can share kudos cards, a kudos gif, and friendly recognition on "Feedback Friday." They're designed to help share appreciation and build a company culture in virtual workplaces by allowing team members worldwide to share kudos and kudo-able moments without ever leaving their screens. But they're not just about remote work. Kudos software can also be highly effective in a traditional workplace and can save you time and money on traditional thank-you cards.

The Slack and Teams app, Matter, is a natural choice for Kudos software because it fits seamlessly into your workplace software. If someone gets a kudos, they know who it came from and can feel that encouragement all day long. If you want a summary of all the amazing things going on in your company, just display the complete docket of all Kudos given out by everyone in Slack. It's like magic! The app also has some handy feedback options where team members can both request and give constructive feedback; there’s nothing like knowing exactly where you’ve gone wrong and how to fix it. 

Remember, it’s not how you give kudos, it’s that you give them. Whether you choose to introduce kudos-culture to your team with software, a Kudos jar, or daily shout-outs in the lunchroom, the important thing is that you’re recognizing your team for their whole-hearted contributions to your company and the goals you have at heart. When you do that, you’ll find everything changes.

Celebrate your accomplishments with kudos software 

There's no better way to reward yourself and your team for a job well done than with kudos awards! With employee recognition software that includes kudos awards, you can easily recognize and celebrate your team's successes. Whenever someone receives a kudos award, it's an opportunity to show appreciation, motivate your team, and ensure everyone knows their hard work is being noticed.

Here are some ways you can celebrate accomplishments with kudos software:

  • Create custom kudos awards to recognize individual or team contributions.
  • Give out badges and certificates of completion when specific goals are met.
  • Celebrate birthdays with a special kudos award!
  • Show appreciation by sending out leaderboards or recognizing the highest achievers.

Kudos software makes it easier than ever to recognize, reward, and celebrate every success your team has achieved. So, don't wait any longer! Instead, celebrate today with kudos awards and make sure everyone feels appreciated.

Would kudos help your team culture? Create a meaningful team culture with recognition, celebrations, and rewards — all inside Slack or Microsoft Teams. Get started for free by adding Matter to your workspace.

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