Brett Hellman

Brett Hellman is the CEO of Matter, dedicated to crafting a product that makes work more joyful and meaningful. He’s passionate about designing tools that help teams feel recognized, valued, and engaged.
Matter's New Give Feedback Flow is Now Amazing
When you start a company, you aspire to make a positive impact in the world. Oftentimes, after launching your minimal viable product (MVP), you learn that you might not be living up to your mission statement.
Brett Hellman
Jul 22, 2020
4 Min Read
What Is Diversity and How Does It Impact the Workplace?
Diversity and inclusion cannot be put on the back-burner anymore. The one-and-done diversity hires and seminars don’t cut it anymore. And let’s be honest, they never have. We need to do more for our employees, our companies, and our society.
Brett Hellman
Jul 15, 2020
3 Min Read
Inclusivity and Growth Mindset: Why You Need to Cultivate Both
To understand inclusion, we need to understand and get to the root of unconscious biases and issues that professionals face. So, how do we do that? Well, it starts with you and shifting your fixed mindset to a growth mindset.
Brett Hellman
Jul 9, 2020
4 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
Analytical: Skills and Thinkers
Believe it or not, but you’re tapping into your analytical thinking skills every day. They are crucial to all parts of your life. Whether it’s your professional or personal life, this skill will help you conquer some complex issues.
Brett Hellman
May 22, 2020
3 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
Analytical Thinking: 4 Examples to Boost Your Resume
Amid the coronavirus pandemics, companies have announced pay cuts, furlough, permanent shutdowns, and even layoffs. As professionals prepare for the job hunt, it’s time to polish up your resume and add the skills that matter the most: analytical thinking skills.
Brett Hellman
May 21, 2020
3 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
Analytical Thinking: Workplace Definition, Synonyms, and Antonyms
Every decision you make in life has an impact. From the quality of life to your happiness, each decision counts. So, wouldn’t you want to make conscious choices? That's where analytical thinking comes in.
Brett Hellman
May 20, 2020
3 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
How to Develop a Growth Mindset: 10 Strategies to Success
It goes without saying that everyone, not just professionals, should strive for a growth mindset. You have the power to climb mountains, brave storms, and ride the waves! 🙌 Now, let's kick fixed mindset out and start developing a growth mindset!
Brett Hellman
Sep 10, 2020
3 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
Growth Mindset TED Talks: 4 Binge-worthy Videos for the Mind
We compiled our top four favorite growth mindset TED Talks to help you develop a growth mindset. Get ready to sit back, learn, and flex that mind of yours.
Brett Hellman
May 13, 2020
4 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
Growth Mindset Activities for Professionals
Developing a growth mindset is not only a skill to have in the workplace but all parts of life. Reflecting on your experiences, discovering the positives, and physically meditating on them can alter our attitudes and create some epic experiences.
Brett Hellman
May 6, 2020
3 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
How to Give Feedback: The Do’s and Don’ts
Providing feedback to your peers can be pretty difficult. But, once you realize that giving feedback is the key to helping your colleagues improve their professional skills, then it becomes easier.
Brett Hellman
May 8, 2020
2 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
Peer Feedback: Advantages and Disadvantages
Peer reviews are a growing practice of assessing a professional's performance. This feedback guide will help you understand and consider key points when sourcing peer feedback.
Brett Hellman
May 7, 2020
4 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
4 Types of Feedback to Expect in the Workplace
Receiving feedback the most valuable information you can get for your professional development. Before we get into the nitty-gritty of feedback, let’s get comfortable with the types of feedback you can expect. And, yes there’s more than just ONE type of feedback.
Brett Hellman
May 1, 2020
4 Min Read
Communication & leadership
What Is Radical Candor?
We need candor more than ever. To be specific, we need radical candor now more than ever. We named dropped radical candor a couple of blogs ago, but we promised to come back.
Brett Hellman
Apr 28, 2020
4 Min Read
Communication & leadership
What Does Candor Mean in the Professional World?
Now that you have candor definition under your belt, but what does candor mean in the context of the workplace for professionals?
Brett Hellman
Apr 24, 2020
3 Min Read
This week's changelog comes with bug fixes and a dashing new way to track the status of your feedback requests and where they've landed.
Brett Hellman
New Features and Bug Fixes
Performance & Feedback
WFH 101: Top Five WFH Skills You Need During COVID-19
It’s important to expand your bandwidth, get equipped, and support your team during these sensitive times. Here are the top five professional and soft skills to keep under your belt amid COVID-19.
Brett Hellman
Apr 22, 2020
3 Min Read
WFH 101: How to Keep Company Culture Alive
We touched on how the power of Zoom, Google Hangouts, and Slack video seamlessly connects individuals from great distances to remote life, but all work and no play isn’t fun.
Brett Hellman
Apr 7, 2020
4 Min Read
Communication & leadership
WFH 101: How to Nicely Say ‘No’
In an office setting, you know overcommitting is a recipe for disaster. Apply that same mindset while working from home. We understand that saying “uh-uh” doesn’t come naturally, but communicating a healthy no will avoid burning out.
Brett Hellman
Apr 6, 2020
2 Min Read