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How to Adjust Your Communication Style with Your Team

February 2, 2021
2 Min Read
Photo by
Jiaqi Wang

According to author Jack Modzelewski of Talk is Chief: Leadership, Communication, and Credibility in a High-Stakes World, the best communicators are the ones who are “very in tune with others, whether they’re talking to one person, a small group, or an audience of many.” Remember: In order to get your message across, you’ll communication style will shift based on your audience.

Reflect on how to adjust your communication style

Learning how to adjust your communication style is fundamental in developing and honing your communication skills. Start by simply taking a moment to reflect.

Do you have different methods of communication with various teammates?

Exercises to help you adjust your communication style

Now, it's time to put your reflection into action. Finding opportunities to implement your communication skills can allow you to adjust your communication style.

  • Ask how your stakeholder would like to get updates. If you know that someone prefers Slack over email, consider messaging your updates where they’re most responsive.
  • Avoid back-and-forth messaging if you believe your idea isn’t being communicated clearly. Set up a brief in-person or Zoom call to clarify all questions.
  • Modify the frequency and thoroughness of your communication to your team. Ask your peers if they much detail they would prefer to your end-of-day or end-of-week updates.
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