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How to Be In Tune with Your Team When Delegating Tasks

November 20, 2020
3 Min Read
Photo by
Anna Hurley

According to Forbes, about 70% of employees claim to be disengaged from their company. Part of leading a team is making sure everyone is on the same page to carry out their delegated tasks. When your peers have a shared sense of purpose and understanding, they’ll be more active in their work.

Reflect on how to be in tune with your team

Learning how to be in tune with your team when delegating tasks is fundamental in developing and honing your leadership skills. Start by simply taking a moment to reflect.

How do you make individuals feel like they’re part of a team?

Exercises to help you be in tune with your team

Now, it's time to put your reflection into action. Finding opportunities to implement your leadership skills can allow you to be in tune with your team when delegating tasks.

  • Involve your team in the planning process before launching the project. Get your team’s feedback about expectations, deliverables, and meeting schedules.
  • Encourage your team to follow up with each other throughout a project. That includes sharing notes, scheduling individual sync-ups, and Slack messaging questions.
  • Clear any confusion at the beginning of a project. Don’t assume everyone on your team knows what you’re thinking. Consider: “Can we pause? I have a few questions about...”
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