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How to Develop Team Management Skills

April 20, 2020
3 Min Read
Photo by
Toma Varsano

Would you consider yourself a boss or leader? And before you ask, yes there’s a difference between being a boss and a leader. In many instances, a boss teaches the what. While a leader teaches you the how and why. See the distinction?

Becoming an inspiring leader requires several key characteristics and skills. To be specific, team management skills when working with others. Without them, rallying your team behind a common goal can be difficult and excruciating for both your organization and career.

As you step into a manager or leader role, developing these team management skills will prove to be fruitful in your career’s success.

Support when remote

In this day and age, there are two types of management: management and remote management. With the pandemic, it’s no secret that many professionals have adjusted to work-from-home life. While both concepts of team management have a decent amount of crossover, managing a team in-person and over Zoom requires a whole new set of skills. Additionally, if your team is big consider integrating support spot and adding call center settings to provide help when needed.

Try this: Remote folks need support. That’s where you come in and keep the communication going. Make sure team members feel confident and supported in their work. Create wellness checks throughout the week. And not to mention, encourage people to take time. It’s easy to feel burnout when the boundaries of work and home life have suddenly blurred.

Inviting feedback

We’re big fans of feedback, so it’s no surprise that we included feedback loops. As an aspiring leader, prioritizing your growth starts with looking to your colleagues and peers. Asking or receiving feedback can be invaluable when finding your blind spots and even your superpowers.

Try this: Find individuals at work that you trust and are personally invested in your growth. From there, create weekly feedback sessions. The key idea is to keep timely feedback flowing. While annual feedback can give you a big-picture overview of your growth, sometimes can be too late.  Implement regular employee feedback in-person or even through an app (hint, hint: Matter). Don’t forget: feedback doesn’t always have to be constructive. Take time to give praises and celebrate successes.

Matter's "Thank You" feature celebrates colleagues and shows gratitude for their work. (Credit: Matter's Vault)

Art of delegation

Part of being a team manager is delegating tasks appropriately. Think about delegating as a match-making system. You want to make sure you give tasks and projects to those whose skills fit the best. When their strengths are placed at the forefront, it makes them confident in pursuing their work. Not to mention, people feel valued for their individual contributions.

When it comes to team management skills, delegating tasks to your peers is vital for company success. (Credit: Manager Orbit)

Try this: Successful delegation starts with matching people and tasks. Consult with your peer to find their superpowers. Once you’ve targeted their strengths, explore future projects that get your team member confident and excited to conquer. Also, establishing the purpose of their work and project gives them a North Star to follow. Not only does this act as a launchpad for your team, but it’s also useful for bringing the team back on track.

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