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How to Pay Attention to Team Decisions

November 23, 2020
2 Min Read
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According to Harvard Business Review, part of effective listening is understanding others’ perspectives. When leaders prioritize the voices of those around them, they have the opportunity to discover rare ideas for a decision that may be difficult to make on their own.

Reflect on how to pay attention to team decisions

Learning how to pay attention to team decisions is fundamental in developing and honing your leadership skills. Start by simply taking a moment to reflect.

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Exercises to help you pay attention to team decisions

Now, it's time to put your reflection into action. Finding opportunities to implement your leadership skills can allow you to pay attention to team decisions.  

  • Encourage 3 teammates who haven't spoken to share their thoughts towards the end of a meeting. For example, “Kerem, did you have anything you want to add?”
  • Suggest setting up a town hall. Create a space for people in your company or team to openly share their views, opinions, and contrasting perspectives.
  • Validate viewpoints even when you disagree. Consider: “Thank you for sharing. I see where you’re coming from.” Then, ask clarifying questions to make sure you heard what your teammate intended to convey.
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