How to Walk the Talk While Inspiring Your Team

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Photo by
Alana Keenan

According to a 2014 Journal of Business Ethics study, leaders who “walk the talk,” were viewed as dependable, credible, and inspirational to their teams. Remember: All talk and no show will ultimately lead to mistrust between you and your team.

Reflect on how to walk the talk

Learning how to walk the talk is fundamental in developing and honing your leadership skills. Start by simply taking a moment to reflect.

How do I ensure that my actions align with my words?

Exercises to help you walk the talk

Now, it's time to put your reflection into action. Finding opportunities to implement your leadership skills can allow you to walk the talk.

  • Practice what you preach when fostering a feedback culture. Every time you give feedback ask for it back. Consider: “Do you have any feedback for me? What can I do better the next time?”
  • Ask 3 close team members to make sure your words align with your actions. They can help you maintain accountability and serve as motivators to keep yourself in check.
  • Break patterns that sidetrack your duties with reminders. For example, if you keep sending the meeting agenda late, set a Google Calendar reminder to send it out before.
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