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While public speaking may not be a regular part of most jobs, you will eventually have to speak in front of an audience. Whether it’s to share updates with your teams or present your work.
Public speaking combines a wide range of skills to communicate ideas, motivate teams, and provide proper training. Great public speakers can have a powerful influence on their audience, and in some cases have the potential to change the lives of those listening.
British-American author and speaker is known for his TED Talk on how leaders can inspire action. Sinek encourages leaders to always start a decision or assumption with the premise of ‘why.’ To better understand “people’s motives and purposes,” leaders need to make a conscious effort to listen more than they talk. Sinek also emphasizes that leaders must practice restraint and remain neutral when listening, “If you agree with somebody, don’t nod yes. If you disagree with somebody, don’t nod no. It sounds easy, it’s not. Practice being the last to speak.”
A researcher and professor at the University of Houston, Brown is most known for her motivational #1 New York Times best-selling books that have influenced millions of people. With that success came a flood of public speaking opportunities, which she was reluctant to accept because of how nervous she gets speaking in front of crowds. Over time, Brown has embraced her vulnerability to deliver speeches as powerful as her books, first on the TED stage and then as the first Netflix-produced, recorded motivational speech on the streaming platform. Brown is particularly fond of sharing personal and heartfelt stories to connect and bond with her audience: “Connection is everything.”
One of the most recognized and mentioned motivational public speakers of the last two decades, Robbins has been hailed as a game-changer in his presentations. Oprah Winfrey said that Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within event was ”one of the most incredible experiences” of her life. Robbins makes his presentations memorable by tapping into his audience’s emotions and delivering as much value as possible. In order to do this, he needs to know his audience. “The more you understand what somebody wants, needs, and fears, the more you can figure out how to add value.”
The most important aspect of public speaking is how well you connect with the audience. Having empathy and compassion for those listening can allow you to connect deeply and communicate freely with them, which leads to increased trust and influence.
While some public speaking opportunities inspire others, some are meant to communicate information to gain the desired result. Great public speakers can help influence the decisions of the audience to support an idea or course of action, which can be particularly important in the realms of business investment and regulation
Great public speakers are experts at utilizing their passion and influence to motivate people to take action and share a common goal or vision. A powerful speech can inspire teams and audiences to rise above and beyond to deliver exceptional results.
Just presenting information is not enough to influence an audience. Boring, robotic presentations are rarely remembered or acted upon, no matter how important or valuable the information is. Great public speakers don’t just provide value, they preset it in a memorable way that connects with the emotions, not just the mind.
Being a great public speaker does not mean you can hold the attention of the audience for long periods of time. Instead, it is more effective and enjoyable to connect and provide value without getting side-tracked or wasting time.
Public Speaking is not a chance for you to show off your accomplishments or knowledge. While you may look impressive, showing off is unlikely to help you connect with the audience and provide them with lasting value.
A big mistake nervous speakers make is apologizing. When we are feeling nervous, we say things such as ‘It’s just my opinion,’ or ‘I’m not really sure,’ or ‘I could be wrong, but...’ This is detrimental to your message. Be sure you believe in what you are presenting to help you feel confident about the information you are sharing.
If you want to give a presentation that is compelling enough to inspire audiences to listen to your call to action, you need to give yourself plenty of time to prepare, so when you step on stage you know your presentation inside and out. A big mistake speakers make is failing to properly rehearse.
When you look people in the eye, you establish rapport. You make an impact. You send a compelling message. Sustained and purposeful eye contact is crucial in public speaking because it gives you a chance to create a good impression. It can mean all the difference when you’re trying to get the audience on your side.
Smiling is simple, powerful and very effective. Smile before you head on stage. Smile as your audience enters the room. And smile during your speech. When you take a moment to smile, it naturally brings a feeling of confidence and relaxation over your entire body.
In order to really communicate with people through speech, you need to have a passion for your subject. Without passion, your speech is meaningless. You need to exude a level of sincerity in your emotion when communicating to your audience if you want them to be moved by your presentation.
Tell your speech or presentation in a clear, logical way that is easy to understand. You want your audience members to walk away with a clear grasp of what you said, as opposed to trying to piece your message together on their own.