Welcoming Matthew to Matter!

July 25, 2019
2 Min Read
Photo by
Matthew Eernisse

I’m excited to announce that Matthew Eernisse has joined Matter as our Chief Technology Officer. Matthew is an engineering veteran who previously held senior leadership roles at Zenefits, Microsoft, and Yammer. At Zenefits, Matthew led and scaled critical engineering functions. His team also led the engineering efforts behind the launch of their Performance Management product. Matthew is a technical author and active contributor to the open-source community. He’s the author of the widely used ESJ library for JavaScript.

Matthew on "Why I Joined Matter"

I’m thrilled to be joining Matter, and here’s why:

The mission: I come from a family of educators, and learning and personal growth have always been a primary driver in my life. Matter’s ambitious aim, helping people to become a better version of themselves, really struck a chord with me. Frank, actionable feedback is essential to self-improvement, and Matter can have a huge impact on people’s lives by providing just that.

The people: In my first conversation with Brett I was struck by his ambitious vision, and enthusiasm for the mission — and his kindness and thoughtful style of communication were shared by all of the other people in the company that I met. The tech industry is filled with incredibly smart people, but kindness, candor, and devotion to self-improvement are qualities that make Matter’s people and culture unique.

The opportunity: Literally everyone in the world can benefit from good feedback. Removing the friction and uneasiness from giving and receiving that critical feedback is a massive opportunity. I’m excited for the chance to help build a company that could improve the lives of so many people.

Matthew’s expertise in building and scaling engineering teams will be essential for Matter success and our growing community of professionals. We’re incredibly thrilled to have Matthew abroad. Welcome Matthew!

Brett Hellman
CEO at Matter

P.S. Matter is hiring! Matthew is actively hiring passionate software engineers (backend, frontend, and full-stack) who are eager to be part of a growing team and make feedback easier, pleasant, and more productive. Check out our openings.

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