Brett Hellman

Brett Hellman is the CEO of Matter, dedicated to crafting a product that makes work more joyful and meaningful. He’s passionate about designing tools that help teams feel recognized, valued, and engaged.
Performance & Feedback
How to Come into Your Meeting with a Problem and Solution
According to Forbes, persuasion is a “top leadership and communication skill.” In order to persuade others and encourage real change, you need to learn how to present and explain your ideas in a way that’s easy for your audience to understand and digest.
Brett Hellman
Oct 29, 2020
3 Min Read
Communication & leadership
How to Be Objective vs. Subjective
According to Forbes, true leaders “take all the facts into account.” Candid leaders understand that cultivating trust and openness means being direct when sharing any information. In the long run, decisions that are made based on facts will simply save time and avoid doubt among teams.
Brett Hellman
Oct 29, 2020
3 Min Read
Communication & leadership
How to Find the Cause and Effect When Asking Questions
According to Harvard Business Review, asking probing questions should be met with the spirit of “accelerating progress, illuminating unconscious assumptions, and solving problems.” Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Brett Hellman
Oct 29, 2020
3 Min Read
Communication & leadership
How to Trust Your Intuition While Being Decisive
Your intuition is a powerful tool because of its ability to make swift decisions based on past experiences. Compared to your gut which is just an arbitrary feeling.
Brett Hellman
Oct 29, 2020
3 Min Read
Communication & leadership
How to Be Open-Minded When Collaborating with Others
When collaborating with others, keeping an open mind allows leaders to explore unconventional ideas and working styles to solve challenging problems.
Brett Hellman
Oct 29, 2020
3 Min Read
Communication & leadership
How to Simplify Complex Ideas to Your Audience
According to a 2009 International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology study, our personalities “determine the ways we like to learn” and “shape how we learn.” We’re all unique learners when it comes to absorbing information.
Brett Hellman
Oct 29, 2020
3 Min Read
Communication & leadership
How to Agree to Disagree While Being Open-Minded
While disagreeing with a peer seems scary and risky, it actually increases our understanding of one another because it requires us to hear the other point of view.
Brett Hellman
Jan 25, 2021
2 Min Read
Communication & leadership
Which of the 5 Decision-Making Styles are You?
An in-depth look at the 5 types of decision-makers and the individuals that embody them. Learn how to use this to be a better, more thoughtful leader.
Brett Hellman
Oct 13, 2020
6 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
Positive Feedback Examples to Help You Improve Professionally
Feedback is not always a pleasant experience. But if you take the brave plunge, you can make a positive and meaningful change as soon as today.
Brett Hellman
Oct 8, 2020
4 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
Morning Motivation: How to Find It and Keep It
Ever wonder why some days we wake up motivated to conquer the day and other days the same motivation is nowhere to be found? The answer can be found in how we leverage our mornings.
Brett Hellman
Oct 5, 2020
4 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
How to Work for Yourself: Skills You Need
Practical ways to prepare yourself for self-employment. We have a checklist of topics to consider as well as 3 skills you will need to conquer first hurdle of getting started working for yourself.
Brett Hellman
Sep 24, 2020
5 Min Read
Communication & leadership
What Is My Work Style
Your work style is how you do your best work in the most efficient way. Understand your preferred work style and how you can leverage it to do your best work yet.
Brett Hellman
Sep 23, 2020
5 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
How to Give and Get Constructive Criticism
Learn what constructive criticism is, and steps you can take to deliver and receive effective constructive criticism with examples.
Brett Hellman
Jan 8, 2020
Performance & Feedback
The Top 3 Ways to Improve on Performance at Work
Good news! You’re already well on your way to improvement if you’re looking at this blog. The first, and sometimes biggest, hurdle to improving performance at work is seeking it out.
Brett Hellman
Sep 10, 2020
3 Min Read
Communication & leadership
How to Be a People Person
When you hear “people person,” you think HR, right? While HR practitioners hold unique positions to speak on the topics of people and culture, they should not be the sole contributors to the topic of relating to others. Learn how you can be a people person too.
Brett Hellman
Sep 2, 2020
4 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
How to Be a Better Multitasker
It takes practice and critical thought to be able to be a multitasker. Ironically, a good multitasker can figure out how to not actually do multiple tasks at the same exact time.
Brett Hellman
Aug 28, 2020
5 Min Read
Communication & leadership
How to Connect Meaningfully at Work
Connecting with others is at the heart of humanity. How exactly you do it, now, that is the big question. Learn tips and tricks on how to connect.
Brett Hellman
Aug 5, 2020
4 Min Rea
The Benefits of Self-Assurance in the Workplace
Confidence is key when it comes to preparing for life experiences. It’s confidence and self-assurance that allow us to keep moving forward. In this blog, we’ll be walking you through the importance of self-assurance, the misconceptions, and how to build it up in the workplace.
Brett Hellman
Jul 21, 2020
3 Min Read