Brett Hellman

Brett Hellman is the CEO of Matter, dedicated to crafting a product that makes work more joyful and meaningful. He’s passionate about designing tools that help teams feel recognized, valued, and engaged.
WFH 101: Yes, Zoom Call Etiquette Exists
Now is the time to work those verbal communications muscles (even if you can't go to the gym). We're answering some of your frequently asked questions on video chatting etiquette. Wear pants, put that sandwich down, and let’s get into it.
Brett Hellman
Mar 30, 2020
4 Min Read
New Feature: Analytics for your feedback and skills is here!
You asked and we've delivered. Now, you'll be able to track your progress, check out analytics, and view feedback on a specific skill all in one place. Understanding how you're doing on a skill just got a whole lot easier.
Brett Hellman
Jan 20, 2020
3 Min Read
WFH 101: Matter's 6 Must-Have Collab Tools
Professionals are now relying heavily on technology to handle multiple tasks, improve workflow, and just have some kind of interaction. We've compiled our go-to apps to helps us truck through this outbreak.
Brett Hellman
Mar 24, 2020
4 Min Read
New Job, New City, New Virus: Juggling a Career and Coronavirus
As a first-time, young professional with a new job, I thought my biggest obstacle was adjusting to work life. However, in recent light of the virus outbreak, I’ve had to navigate conversations about my safety and adapt to work-from-home life (WFH) all while adjusting to a new city.
Brett Hellman
Mar 16, 2020
4 Min Read
Supporting Your Team During COVID-19
There is no one size fits all guide on how to handle a crisis like the coronavirus. Every team is made up with different individual needs and the best policy will be one that adapts and evolves with the situation, in this case, the outbreak.
Brett Hellman
Mar 10, 2020
4 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
How Intrinsic Motivation is Helping Greta Thunberg Save the Earth
With Thunberg's persuasive rhetoric, storytelling abilities, and intrinsic motivation the young activist and superwoman is well on her way to save the planet.
Brett Hellman
Mar 4, 2020
5 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
Why Women Should Stop Saying Sorry in the Workplace
It's ritualistic that when we do something wrong, we follow up with “sorry.” But, profusely apologizing is a sign of an empty promise. So, why do we apologize when there's nothing to apologize for?
Brett Hellman
Apr 13, 2020
4 Min Read
Communication & leadership
What is Affiliative Leadership and How to Leverage It
When Indra Nooyi stepped down as PepsiCo’s CEO after 12 years, she would not only be regarded as the first female CEO, but a leader whose unique methods changed the trajectory of the multinational corporation.
Brett Hellman
Apr 15, 2020
4 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
What is Indecisiveness and Is That Me?
The inability to make a secure decision is the kiss of death. Yes or no? Up or down? Left or right? However, utilizing your analytical thinking skills can help you overcome indecisiveness. If Barbara Walters can do it, so can you.
Brett Hellman
Mar 17, 2020
4 Min Read
Communication & leadership
What is Servant Leadership and Why it's Important
After surviving an assassination attempt, the Pakistani activist turned this tragedy into a movement. She has devoted her life to fight for female education around the world earning her spot among the many historic, servant leaders.
Brett Hellman
Jan 22, 2020
3 Min Read
Communication & leadership
What is Decisiveness and Why is It Important?
Decisiveness means coming to a firm conclusion quickly and effectively. As simple as that definition is, there is immense power in decision-making.
Brett Hellman
Mar 6, 2020
2 Min Read
How to Identify Intrinsic Motivation and Why It Matters
Intrinsic motivation comes in various forms, but you know you’re intrinsically motivated in any situation if it genuinely brings you happiness. That feeling should not be hindered or influenced my tangible materials or money.
Brett Hellman
Mar 4, 2020
5 Min Read
Communication & leadership
Why Goal Setting Is Important and How to do It
Melanie Perkins believes in setting goals so big they frighten you. Goals so enormous that you can’t always articulate them, can’t always see the path ahead, and you’re unsure whether it’s actually achievable.
Brett Hellman
Jan 15, 2020
4 Min Read
Communication & leadership
How Decisive Leadership Saved General Motors from Catastrophe
How Mary Barra’s decisive leadership saved General Motors from bankruptcy when an ignition switch failure caused 124 fatalities and 274 injuries.
Brett Hellman
Feb 20, 2020
5 Min Read
Communication & leadership
What is Deliberate Listening and How to Conquer It
Listening helps you actually hear what others are saying. Reporter Ronnie Polaneczsky has some tips on how to be a more deliberate listener.
Brett Hellman
Feb 12, 2020
5 Min Read
How Elon Musk Turns Failure into Awesome
Elon Musk actively seeks out negative feedback, uses it to grow and overcome obstacles, and then puts it on a t-shirt.
Brett Hellman
Feb 6, 2020
5 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
Introducing #FeedbackFriday
Many of us know giving feedback is important. But how many of us actually find time in between meetings and day-to-day work to give feedback to our teams?
Brett Hellman
Jan 31, 2020
4 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
#FeedbackFriday Challenge (Win a Free Pair of AirPods Pro)
​Last week, we shared how our team at Matter started incorporating a new weekly tradition that carves out dedicated time to share feedback every week. We call it: Feedback Friday.
Brett Hellman
Feb 2, 2020
2 Min Read