15 Simple Questions for Employee Engagement Surveys

July 15, 2021
6 Min Read
Photo by
Anna Yashina

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P.S. To get inspired, check out our complete employee engagement guide to get the rundown of things employee engagement ideas, software, surveys, and more!

What are employee engagement surveys?

Before we jump into employee engagement surveys, let’s discuss what employee engagement is. We describe it as a level of commitment team members have to their organization and how satisfied they are in their role. The most important indicator in employee engagement is how teams and employees feel valued and invested in their company’s success, mission, and culture.

When it comes to employee engagement surveys, it’s only a measure of how happy employees are, but it measures how dedicated people are to the company’s success. And to understand that, companies need to create and distribute employee engagement surveys that address blind spots and areas for improvement in the workplace.

15 Employee engagement survey questions

How you format and the types of questions your company asks are a great way to understand how people in the workplace are feeling. Sort of like a pulse check. We compiled open-ended, rating, and multiple-choice questions to help you build a more positive culture. 

Examples of open-ended questions

Open-ended questions allow your peers to answer survey questions in long or short-form responses. In other types of survey questions, like multiple-choice or scaling, always provide pre-populated answers. With open-ended questions, you can gather qualitative data and hear directly from your team in their own words.  

Here are some examples of open-ended employee engagement survey questions: 

1. What practices does our team or organization need to change?

This question prompts people to look not only reflective on their needs but reflective outward on their environment. Remember, employee engagement increases significantly when people feel like their feedback and ideas are taken seriously and put into action. 

2. What are some issues or roadblocks you’ve faced with our company culture?

Straight to the point. It’s never a bad idea to hear where the gaps are in the culture. This question encourages team members to identify discomfort or bad practices in the workplace environment and gives them the space to share their thoughts safely.

3. How can we help improve your workday?

The most important question, in our opinion! Now that the blind spots have been uncovered, it’s to fix them. Directly asking this question opens the door for teams to voice their thoughts and ideas and a chance for leadership to practice their appreciative listening skills.

4. Is there anything else you would like to share that you find important to your experience here at [organization]?

Another great question! Sometimes these curated questions don’t allow team members to speak openly or share everything they want, so give them that opportunity. Be sure to ask for feedback, listen intently, provide transparency, and take accountability for the company’s actions.

5. Does your work challenge professionally and personally? 

According to a 2017 SHRM study, 43% of professionals stated that “career advancement” is one of the top reasons they’re looking to leave their company. Asking your teams if they’re being stimulated at work, engaged in their day-to-day tasks, and ready to reach their moonshot goals can boost employee engagement. If they’re not, this is your opportunity to support them through their journey.

Examples of rating questions

If you want to conduct an employee engagement survey, then rating questions are a great method in getting temperature check in the workplace. With ratings, you can ask your teams to rate your company’s culture, leadership, and job satisfaction.

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, do I feel recognized fairly for my contribution to team efforts?

When you ran that extra mile do you feel like you were valued and appreciated? This is your moment to get honest with leadership and highlight moments where you felt the most and least supported. It’s natural for us to want to be appreciated and recognized. When you neglect and show a lack of appreciation, folks are more inclined to leave.

2. On a scale of 1 to 5, how aligned do I feel with the company goals?

The relationship between teams and leaders is one of the most critical parts of an organization's growth. It’s essential to evaluate leadership styles, performance, and policies. Not only will it help the company better align themselves with their team members, but it may be an indicator for those taking the survey to find a place that does.

3. On a scale of 1 to 5, how often am I stressed with deadlines and workloads?

It’s no secret that millennials and Gen-Z professionals are largely dominating the workforce at the moment. Despite the different generations, they one commonality: a healthy work-life balance. For leadership, to keep your top team members, it’s vital to acknowledge when there’s a breach in work-life balance.

4. On a scale of 1 to 5, do I think the company cares about my physical and mental wellbeing?

Like we mentioned before, physical and mental health are at the forefront of many company values. It’s become a top priority for many organizations. This is the organization’s chance to offer support and uplift to those struggling in the workplace. In the survey, be sure to ask the right questions that can identify health areas that the company can improve on.

5. On a scale of 1 to 5, do I feel like the workplace environment is positive and motivating?

This question can sometimes be a reality check for those running the organization. It’s a direct response to how satisfied folks are coming into work. Do organizations meet the requirement of providing a safe space, comfort, resources, and tools to carry out their tasks. Not to mention, is the overall atmosphere of the workplace inviting? Vibe check!

Examples of multiple-choices questions 

Multiple-choice questions are most popular among all the employee engagement surveys. These types of questions allow you and your peer to select an answer from a list of multiple options. 

Multiple-choice survey questions help to analyze data efficiently and quickly. With these kinds of employee engagement survey questions, you can provide a more seamless and engaging survey-taking experience to your team.

1. Which of the following aspects do you think the company should work on?

  1. Career development
  2. Company culture
  3. Compensation
  4. Benefits

2.  Which of the following feedback rituals would you like to establish with your team?

  1. Weekly feedback session
  2. Monthly Feedback session
  3. Semi-annually feedback session
  4. Yearly feedback session

3. Which of the following best describes your work style?

  1. Independent
  2. Collaborative
  3. Both 
  4. Other

4. Are company pieces of training directly relevant to your work?

  1. No, but I can see how it could be relevant to other colleagues.
  2. No, and I don’t think it applies to our company.
  3. Yes, this is relevant to my role.
  4. Yes, and I can see how it could be relevant to other colleagues.

5. How often does your team or leadership recognize your effort?

  1. Once a week
  2. Once a month 
  3. Other
  4. Never
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