There is no doubt that gratitude can make a huge impact in every aspect. Writing an appreciation note to a coworker is a great way to implement the attitude of gratitude in the workplace.
Conflict is an inescapable part of life. Learn how to develop your own conflict management style with the five conflict management styles, the pro's and con's of each style, and when to use each of the styles.
Appreciativee listening can be described as thoroughly enjoying what is being said by the speaker. Now, how does that differ from other types of listening and just listening in general?
Are turnover costs taking a generous bite out of your company’s expected profits? Here is a rundown of top employee retention ideas and how to implement them.
Employee retention has never been more critical than today, when a disengaged workforce and high voluntary turnover rates are costing businesses billions. This guide provides an overview of employee retention strategies, principles, and best practices.
Sometimes giving peer recognition can be tricky. That’s why in this post, we’ll be offering eight great ideas on how to effectively give peer recognition in the workplace.
The main point is to take a few moments a day to center yourself. With regular practice, this simple intrapersonal communication skill could help you become more focused and productive too.
Employee retention best practices have the potential to make or break your team. Here are 7 effective best practices that can lead to lower turnover and an engaged, productive workforce.
With employee turnover being a bigger problem than ever for private businesses, it’s important to understand the various ways how you can maximize employee retention and keep involuntary turnover from affecting your business.
A winning employee experience strategy may be all that is lacking to move your company from mediocrity to the ranks of the great. This article covers all the info you need to get started.
After months of hard work, we launched our vision for the future of feedback. We're reflecting on last year so we can continue to reach our big, hairy, audacious goal of making peer feedback easier, more pleasant, and more productive.
We’re excited to announce the launch of Matter, a new app for professionals to become the best version of themselves. Discover your strengths, feel amazing at work, and reach your career aspirations.
There are over 6.7 million job openings in the U.S. - a record high. While software engineering skills are still needed by employers, there is another set of skills in much higher demand.
Welcoming Marc Reisen to the Matter team. Marc and I first worked together in 2013 and I’m thrilled to have him back on the team. Most recently, Marc was a Design Team Lead for Bitbucket at Atlassian.
Apple recently became the first American company worth over $1 trillion. Learn the secrets to Apple’s success. Feedback is key, of course. How do the top Apple leaders approach feedback? How do they use it to be more effective in their role?
On May 6, 2015, I sold my company, Hall, to Atlassian. I weighed 420 lbs on this very day. While up-and-to-the-right-type growth curves are generally the goal for start-ups and investors, this wasn’t the type of curve I wanted to see.
You’ve probably heard that cliché statement, “Feedback is a gift!” from mentors, supervisors, and bosses more times than you care to remember. Sure it’s catchy, but is it true?
Matter puts you in the driver’s seat of getting quality feedback. With Matter, feedback is no longer a process you passively wait for, but one in which you are actively in control.