Brett Hellman

Brett Hellman is the CEO of Matter, dedicated to crafting a product that makes work more joyful and meaningful. He’s passionate about designing tools that help teams feel recognized, valued, and engaged.
Communication & leadership
How to Get Your Team's Buy-In
In his book Buy-In, Harvard Business School professor John Kotter explains how “70% of all organizational change efforts” fail due to a lack of buy-in from peers. Getting buy-in isn’t a superficial tactic.
Brett Hellman
Aug 20, 2019
2 Min Read
Communication & leadership
How to Have Good Intentions While Being Candid
When Fortune magazine asked former CEO of PepsiCo, Indra Nooyi, what the most important leadership advice she received, Nooyi said, “Whatever anybody says or does, assume positive intent.” It makes for a smoother conversation with your peer when you assume good intentions.
Brett Hellman
Nov 17, 2020
3 Min Read
Communication & leadership
How to Embrace Authentic Leadership
Authenticity inspires loyalty and engagement. And when start to being your true self, you’ll feel connected to your work, team, and organization.
Brett Hellman
Nov 17, 2020
3 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
Stop Walking On Egg Shells With Mental Health
Wow, what a month so far. Whether it's you, a coworker, a manager, we're all struggling (but adjusting) in our unique ways. So, let's start making empathy central to our conversations at work.
Brett Hellman
Nov 17, 2020
3 Min Read
Communication & leadership
How to Lead a Purpose-Driven Organization
According to a 2018 Global Leadership Forecast study, organizations that operated under a purpose-driven organization financially outperformed the market average by 42%.
Brett Hellman
Nov 13, 2020
3 Min Read
Communication & leadership
How to Communicate and Act with Confidence
According to Harvard Business Review and CEO of The Energy Project Tony Schwartz, confidence leads to positive emotion, security, and better performance.
Brett Hellman
Nov 13, 2020
3 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
Mentee: Who, What, When, and Why?
Are you about to embark on a mentor and mentee relationship? Before you get started, it's vital to have a clear understanding of the role of a mentee.
Brett Hellman
Jan 6, 2021
3 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
Mentor and Mentee: Roles, Responsibilities, and Relationships
Are you about to embark on a mentor and mentee relationship? Before you get started, it's vital to have a clear understanding of the expectations, roles, and responsibilities that will help shape each person for success.
Brett Hellman
Jan 19, 2021
3 Min Read
Communication & leadership
How to Share Your Story While Building Rapport
Leaders who tap into their storytelling abilities, specifically share their stories, can effectively unite, educate, and communicate their teams.
Brett Hellman
Nov 11, 2020
3 Min Read
Communication & leadership
How Going with the Flow Will Make Delegating Tasks Easier
According to Harvard Business Review, part of becoming a better leader means giving up authority and going with the flow.
Brett Hellman
Nov 10, 2020
3 Min Read
Communication & leadership
How to Sync-Up on Team Goals Regularly
Syncing up with your team regularly isn’t about micromanaging. Great leaders are aware that setting well-defined goals means providing support to help transform ideas into actions.
Brett Hellman
Nov 9, 2020
3 Min Read
Communication & leadership
How to Be a Risk-Taker When Building Teams
According to Harvard Business Review, taking risks and stepping outside of our comfort zone at work promotes personal and company growth. Great leaders know to make a true impact there has to be a component of risk-taking. It’s only then that we can uncover creative solutions.
Brett Hellman
Nov 5, 2020
3 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
Ditch The Long Email Chains and Messages
At the core of everything… Communication is the key skill that keeps the world spinning (not up for debate). Harvard Business Review recently found that spurts of rapid-fire communication, with intervals of silence, leads to higher performance.
Brett Hellman
Nov 9, 2020
4 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
How to Set Attainable, Specific Goals
When leaders are clear with their teams on goals, expectations, and success, it adds a better sense of direction and clarity to their work.
Brett Hellman
Nov 4, 2020
3 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
How to Be a Good Mentee: Top 7 Tips For Super-Mentees
While it takes two to tango in a mentor-mentee relationship, here are some tips on how to a good mentee when pursuing a mentorship.
Brett Hellman
Mar 2, 2021
Communication & leadership
How to Find the Silvering Lining to Any Work Situation
As a leader, you’re bound to encounter roadblocks, but regularly finding the silver lining helps your team recognize the positives rather than fixate on the negatives.
Brett Hellman
Nov 3, 2020
3 Min Read
Communication & leadership
How to Get Your Team on the Same Page
According to a 2003 Leadership Quarterly study, research shows that rallying the whole team behind a shared vision is more effective than connecting with team members individually.
Brett Hellman
Nov 3, 2020
3 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
Mentee Definition: Workplace Synonyms and Antonyms
Based on Merriam-Webster, mentee definition is "one who is being mentored." Essentially, a mentee is an individual who is willing to learn and be coached from a senior person.
Brett Hellman
Jan 23, 2021