Providing feedback to your peers can be pretty difficult. But, once you realize that giving feedback is the key to helping your colleagues improve their professional skills, then it becomes easier.
A lack of candor when giving professional feedback, updating your team on the status of a project, or encountering any workplace situations can lead to dire consequences.
As humans, it’s natural that we grow and evolve. We’re hardly ever static. Everything in our path is subject to change...even work. When conquering the workday, adaptability is one of those skills that help you take on challenges head-on and grow professionally as you flourish in your career.
Creating a resume that reflects your job experience, personality, and leaves a lasting impression can be tricky, but not impossible. Here are ways to write up a resume that will catch a hiring manager’s eye.
Barack Obama has made some of the biggest decisions in our lifetime. Just like him, we’re consistently making tough decisions. Recently, Obama took the time to share how he made decisions during his presidency.
From the volleyball court to the startup land, co-founder and CEO Taylor Nieman flexed her competitive bones as she builds, what she calls her “fourth baby,” Toucan.
Professionals are now relying heavily on technology to handle multiple tasks, improve workflow, and just have some kind of interaction. We've compiled our go-to apps to helps us truck through this outbreak.
Managers shape the culture of their teams and workplaces in countless ways. And according to the Wall Street Journal, a manager has five basic tasks when it comes to leading a team.
When it comes to improving your reflective listening, it comes down to two techniques: paraphrasing and mirroring. In this article, we'll be going over the do's of reflective listening and exercises to help you become a better listener.
GrowSF encourages community members who work in tech
to contribute to the needs of the city. To be specific, through local government, transportation, and SF education.
Why is effective, constructive feedback so hard to give and get? Honestly, it’s not easy to tell someone where they went wrong. It’s also not exactly easy to gather critical feedback without feeling like you’re being judged or put down.
While IQ only measures spatial recognition, reasoning, and mathematical ability, your EQ represents your emotional development. Here are 5 ways to develop EQ.
Feedback is an essential tool for developing and honing soft and professionals skills. Praise is shared publicly and constructive criticism offered privately.
Growth mindset is the theory that traits like intelligence and communication aren’t set in stone. Immediate steps you can take to develop a growth mindset.
When it comes to personal and professional success, your mindset is the driving force behind everything. Here are growth mindset quotes to help you start embracing failures and accomplishing your goals.
Growth mindset is about changing the way you look at the world and the challenges you face daily. Start thinking outside the box — but go farther than that. Start asking questions about the box, why it’s there, its purpose, and your role in relation to the box.
According to Gartner, 59% of employees believe that traditional performance reviews have “little to no impact” on their performance. Done well, 360-degree feedback can fix this issue and give you the kind of feedback that can identify blind spots for career growth.
I’m excited to announce that Matthew Eernisse has joined Matter as our Chief Technology Officer. Matthew is an engineering veteran who previously held senior leadership roles at Zenefits, Microsoft, and Yammer.
I’m thrilled to announce that Tai Tran recently joined Matter as our Head of Marketing! Tai brings a slew of experiences in storytelling from some of the most beloved brands in the world like Apple and Samsung.
Matter was on the brink of failure before it even began, simply because we couldn’t get email deliverability to work. This post shares our mistakes and learnings.
Honest communication is a key component of every successful business. In order to keep the team operating at peak efficiency, crushing goals, and working collaboratively, it’s important to continuously gather regular feedback from each person in your organization.