According to Harvard Business Review and CEO of The Energy Project Tony Schwartz, confidence leads to positive emotion, security, and better performance.
The Art Of Public Speaking is important even if your profession’s core job function does not require you to speak in front of huge crowds. Here are the 5 ways to master the art of public speaking.
In his book Buy-In, Harvard Business School professor John Kotter explains how “70% of all organizational change efforts” fail due to a lack of buy-in from peers. Getting buy-in isn’t a superficial tactic.
According to Harvard Business Review, audiences have the “innate ability to read body language” to the point where it can lead them to feel that the speaker is inauthentic.
According to Harvard Business Review, in order to have authentic and productive conversations, we must learn to “listen and connect, give and receive support, [and] care for others."
It's ritualistic that when we do something wrong, we follow up with “sorry.” But, profusely apologizing is a sign of an empty promise. So, why do we apologize when there's nothing to apologize for?
According to a 2010 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology study, when people are thanked for their efforts they feel encouraged to provide more help in the future. Leaders that show appreciation and recognition make their teams feel valued for their work contributions.
According to a 2014 Annual Review of Psychology study, practicing positive affirmations led to improvements in education, relationships, and health. Your thoughts orient your actions.
According to Forbes, simply paraphrasing what you’ve heard ensures that you’re listening attentively. Believe it or not, paraphrasing is a form of active listening.
Peer reviews are a growing practice of assessing a professional's performance. This feedback guide will help you understand and consider key points when sourcing peer feedback.
According to Harvard Business Review, audiences have the “innate ability to read body language” to the point where it can lead them to feel that the speaker is inauthentic.
Imagine yourself adrift on a kiteboard with a deflated sail in the middle of the Caribbean, waiting to be rescued. CEO of Canva, Melanie Perkins, definitely can.
According to a 2010 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology study, when people are thanked for their efforts they feel encouraged to provide more help in the future. Leaders that show appreciation and recognition make their teams feel valued for their work contributions.
"I was tired of being a founder and desperately needed a break," said Leah Culver in 2013. Fast forward today, Culver recently sold her third startup, a podcast app called Breaker, to Twitter. However, it wasn’t always a piece of cake.
According to Harvard Business Review, one secret to teamwork is “optimally design[ing] tasks and processes.” Your team can’t collaborate effectively if there are no systems in place.
According to Harvard Business Review, one advantage of being a leader is getting more time to macro-manage. It’s the opposite of micromanaging, in the sense where you get a bird’s eye.
According to Harvard Business Review, “decisions are more effective when more people are involved from the start.” The more the merrier, right? Right. Great leaders know that asking for team input will yield the best decisions, uncover blind spots, and show peer appreciation.
According to Harvard Business Review, choosing the “right metrics” to measure success and feasibility enables teams to get a strong grasp on their goals. Being intentional with how you pick goals will help your team make informed decisions and contribute to the company’s success.
According to a 2018 Journal of Leadership Education study, researchers found that integrating stories led to “mental mapping,” a method to help individuals understand how their organization functions.
Creating a resume that reflects your job experience, personality, and leaves a lasting impression can be tricky, but not impossible. Here are ways to write up a resume that will catch a hiring manager’s eye.