Dmitry Saprykin

Dmitry is Matter’s Head of Engineering. He spends his days engineering Matter to be a robust and scalable platform, ensuring that every line of code contributes to a seamless user experience.
Employee Surveys
Growth Mindset Quotes to Help You Get Into the Right Frame of Mind
When it comes to personal and professional success, your mindset is the driving force behind everything. Here are growth mindset quotes to help you start embracing failures and accomplishing your goals.
Dmitry Saprykin
Apr 24, 2020
4 Min Read
Employee Surveys
Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset: Which Mindset Are You Embracing?
Growth mindset is about changing the way you look at the world and the challenges you face daily. Start thinking outside the box — but go farther than that. Start asking questions about the box, why it’s there, its purpose, and your role in relation to the box.
Dmitry Saprykin
Feb 25, 2020
3 Min Read
Employee Surveys
Former IBM CEO: Hire Based on Skills Instead of Degrees
According to the former CEO of IBM, it is vital that tech companies focus on hiring people based on skills, not college degrees.
Dmitry Saprykin
Jan 30, 2019
3 Min Read