From Nigeria to Princeton to Wall Street and now startup land, the Lagos native has found that focusing on himself and honing his craft has led to the most successful moments of his life.
Growth mindset is about changing the way you look at the world and the challenges you face daily. Start thinking outside the box — but go farther than that. Start asking questions about the box, why it’s there, its purpose, and your role in relation to the box.
According to Harvard Business Review and CEO of The Energy Project Tony Schwartz, confidence leads to positive emotion, security, and better performance.
The Art Of Public Speaking is important even if your profession’s core job function does not require you to speak in front of huge crowds. Here are the 5 ways to master the art of public speaking.
In his book Buy-In, Harvard Business School professor John Kotter explains how “70% of all organizational change efforts” fail due to a lack of buy-in from peers. Getting buy-in isn’t a superficial tactic.
According to Harvard Business Review, audiences have the “innate ability to read body language” to the point where it can lead them to feel that the speaker is inauthentic.
According to Harvard Business Review, in order to have authentic and productive conversations, we must learn to “listen and connect, give and receive support, [and] care for others."
It's ritualistic that when we do something wrong, we follow up with “sorry.” But, profusely apologizing is a sign of an empty promise. So, why do we apologize when there's nothing to apologize for?
According to a 2010 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology study, when people are thanked for their efforts they feel encouraged to provide more help in the future. Leaders that show appreciation and recognition make their teams feel valued for their work contributions.
According to a 2014 Annual Review of Psychology study, practicing positive affirmations led to improvements in education, relationships, and health. Your thoughts orient your actions.
Performance management tools are used to measure performance in an organization. They also track performance throughout the year so that managers can identify any problems before formal performance reviews begin.
Performance management is how managers set employee goals, track their progress, hold them accountable for achieving those goals, and provide continuous feedback.
Performance management helps you monitor standards, evaluate performance, and make sound decisions. It is essential for growth, and it helps professionals attain the peak of their careers.
Employee turnover can greatly impact one’s business, and with many different factors that can greatly affect it. Today, we’ll be talking about five causes and effects of employee turnover.
A winning employee experience strategy may be all that is lacking to move your company from mediocrity to the ranks of the great. This article covers all the info you need to get started.
An employee experience survey can be an instrumental part of employee experience management, providing actionable insights for your employee experience strategy. Here’s what you need to know about them.
A 360 feedback template can make the process of introducing 360-degree reviews into your company easy and straightforward. Here’s a look at why you’ll want to do this, as well as some tips for successful implementation.
The process of 360-degree feedback begins with the development of a questionnaire and ends with a team that enjoys higher engagement, higher morale, and a better understanding of each other.