According to the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, teams that prioritized positive practices avoided finger-pointing and provided support for each other.
Truth is, delivering constructive feedback is not always easy. There's a distinct line between feedback and criticism, and oftentimes those giving feedback blur the lines. To be specific, feedback and the words you use may alter your feedback to sound more like criticism and negative.
Unlike criticism or negative feedback, constructive feedback is used to instill confidence in your team members while telling them how they can improve. The primary difference between constructive and destructive feedback is the outcome.
Employee turnover is at an all-time high, and it seems to be directly brought on by the so-called “Great Resignation” that appears to have been caused by both economic panic and pandemic fatigue.
From moments of choosing a white doll over a Black doll to being ostracized at work for speaking up on social justice issues, the CEO of Hustle Crew finds those tough times throughout her life to be some of the most transformative moments.
We have been hard at work to make it easier for you and your team to start building a feedback culture together. Filter Your Feedback: With our newly introduced Feedback tab, you can also look up and filter feedback based on Kudos, senders, and skills. Feedback Filters is available for all Pro workspaces.
How do you disagree with a decision that is not in the best interest of the company? As a leader, how do you enable your team to disagree in a productive way? Learn how with Matter's Decision Disagreement Framework.
Why is effective, constructive feedback so hard to give and get? Honestly, it’s not easy to tell someone where they went wrong. It’s also not exactly easy to gather critical feedback without feeling like you’re being judged or put down.
Constructive feedback is important, but it is essential that it is delivered in a way that will make an impact. These 15 key features of constructive feedback detail everything you need to know to make your employee feedback influential.
In order for remote work to prosper, there needs to effective communication. To be specific asynchronous and synchronous communication among teams. In this article, we'll be discussing the best practices and tips for asynchronous communication.
Teams no longer need to have their peers in person to hit their goals. Now, we can seamlessly communicate with one another easily across different time zones — making remote work the new norm. Here is your guide to synchronous and asynchronous communication with pros cons, definitions, and tips.
But in order to build this communication infrastructure, leaders need to reflect on how to ensure a clear flow of internal communication. That starts with understanding the types of communication. To be specific, asynchronous communication.
Would you consider yourself a boss or leader? And before you ask, yes there’s a difference between being a boss and a leader. In many instances, a boss teaches the what. While a leader teaches you the how and why. See the distinction?
Leading a team can be exciting, inspiring, exhilarating, exhausting, and sometimes draining all at the same time. But in the end, definitely rewarding. We’ve gathered five essential skills that leaders can implement when it comes to strengthening team management skills.
Today, even during a pandemic, teams all around the world are no longer confined to a single location or time zone. In fact, 2020 has taught us that we can work anywhere.
According to Harvard Business Review, professionals on high-trust teams reported “106% more energy at work, 50% higher productivity, [and] 76% more engagement.” L
Yishan Wong, the former CEO of Reddit, is taking on a big problem: the climate crisis. Wong is the head of Terraformation, an organization that plans to fight the climate crisis through reforestation efforts.
According to Harvard Business Review, in order to have authentic and productive conversations, we must learn to “listen and connect, give and receive support, [and] care for others."