Brett Hellman

Brett Hellman is the CEO of Matter, dedicated to crafting a product that makes work more joyful and meaningful. He’s passionate about designing tools that help teams feel recognized, valued, and engaged.
Spouse POV: 'So Proud of Matter's Social Impact Product Nomination'
I’m a psychologist and researcher. My husband is a two-time founder and CEO in Silicon Valley. At first glance, it might seem like there’s little overlap in our professional lives. Until now, that was mostly true. That all changed when my husband started Matter, a social impact company.
Brett Hellman
Jan 4, 2019
4 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
What’s your big, hairy, audacious goal for 2019?
After months of hard work, we launched our vision for the future of feedback. We're reflecting on last year so we can continue to reach our big, hairy, audacious goal of making peer feedback easier, more pleasant, and more productive.
Brett Hellman
Jan 8, 2019
2 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
Become The Best Version of Yourself
We’re excited to announce the launch of Matter, a new app for professionals to become the best version of themselves. Discover your strengths, feel amazing at work, and reach your career aspirations.
Brett Hellman
Dec 5, 2018
4 Min Read
The Secret Skill Behind Pixar’s Creative Genius
Learn the ONE crucial skill behind Pixar's creative process, identified by Pixar co-founder Ed Catmull.
Brett Hellman
Nov 1, 2018
4 Min Read
Communication & leadership
Your College Degree Won't Get You Hired Or Fired, Here's What Will
There are over 6.7 million job openings in the U.S. - a record high. While software engineering skills are still needed by employers, there is another set of skills in much higher demand.
Brett Hellman
Aug 14, 2018
4 Min Read
Welcoming Marc Reisen to Matter
Welcoming Marc Reisen to the Matter team. Marc and I first worked together in 2013 and I’m thrilled to have him back on the team. Most recently, Marc was a Design Team Lead for Bitbucket at Atlassian.
Brett Hellman
Aug 8, 2018
2 Min Read
Communication & leadership
Apple's Top 7 Leaders Share Their Approach to Feedback
Apple recently became the first American company worth over $1 trillion. Learn the secrets to Apple’s success. Feedback is key, of course. How do the top Apple leaders approach feedback? How do they use it to be more effective in their role?
Brett Hellman
Aug 5, 2018
3 Min Read
How I Lost 160 Pounds And Kept It Off With Matter's Culture
On May 6, 2015, I sold my company, Hall, to Atlassian. I weighed 420 lbs on this very day. While up-and-to-the-right-type growth curves are generally the goal for start-ups and investors, this wasn’t the type of curve I wanted to see.
Brett Hellman
Jul 23, 2018
4 Min Read
Performance & Feedback
Feedback Is NOT A Gift
You’ve probably heard that cliché statement, “Feedback is a gift!” from mentors, supervisors, and bosses more times than you care to remember. Sure it’s catchy, but is it true?
Brett Hellman
Jun 27, 2018
1 Min Read
Explainer Videos Cost $50k — $500k, So We Made A Game Instead
Startup explainer videos can cost $50k — $500k! Instead, we made an explainer game as part of our SaaS onboarding flow. Matter Here’s why…
Brett Hellman
Jun 20, 2018
2 Min Read
You Matter! 🙌
Matter puts you in the driver’s seat of getting quality feedback. With Matter, feedback is no longer a process you passively wait for, but one in which you are actively in control.
Brett Hellman
May 23, 2018
3 Min Read