As a leader, you’re bound to encounter roadblocks, but regularly finding the silver lining helps your team recognize the positives rather than fixate on the negatives.
According to Harvard Business Review, a hands-off approach increases morale, establishes a tone of trust, and expands your team's growth. Avoid micromanaging at all costs.
According to Harvard Business Review, wrapping up a project means that “your team assumes ownership of their deliverables, hands them off to others, or terminates the project altogether.”
The inability to make a secure decision is the kiss of death. Yes or no? Up or down? Left or right? However, utilizing your analytical thinking skills can help you overcome indecisiveness. If Barbara Walters can do it, so can you.
According to author Jack Modzelewski of Talk is Chief: Leadership, Communication, and Credibility in a High-Stakes World, the best communicators are the ones who are “very in tune with others, whether they’re talking to one person, a small group, or an audience of many.”
According to Forbes, about 70% of employees claim to be disengaged from their company. Part of leading a team is making sure everyone is on the same page to carry out their delegated tasks.
According to a 2014 Journal of Business Ethics study, leaders who “walk the talk,” were viewed as dependable, credible, and inspirational to their teams. Remember: All talk and no show will ultimately lead to mistrust between you and your team.
According to a 2003 Leadership Quarterly study, research shows that rallying the whole team behind a shared vision is more effective than connecting with team members individually.
Matter puts you in the driver’s seat of getting quality feedback. With Matter, feedback is no longer a process you passively wait for, but one in which you are actively in control.
Yishan Wong, the former CEO of Reddit, is taking on a big problem: the climate crisis. Wong is the head of Terraformation, an organization that plans to fight the climate crisis through reforestation efforts.
According to Harvard Business Review, in order to have authentic and productive conversations, we must learn to “listen and connect, give and receive support, [and] care for others."
From moments of choosing a white doll over a Black doll to being ostracized at work for speaking up on social justice issues, the CEO of Hustle Crew finds those tough times throughout her life to be some of the most transformative moments.
As many of us took over kitchen tables, couches, home offices, and even our bedrooms the last year left many people struggling to connect with others via Zoom, Slacks, Teams, and many other apps.
Cheese is in Ilana Fischer’s blood. The CEO of Whisps, an airy crispy and cheese snack, recalls moments of childhood where cheese was part of her everyday meal.
According to Harvard Business Review, wrapping up a project means that “your team assumes ownership of their deliverables, hands them off to others, or terminates the project altogether.”
According to Forbes, simply paraphrasing what you’ve heard ensures that you’re listening attentively. Believe it or not, paraphrasing is a form of active listening.
According to The Mind of the CEO, Yale professor Jeffrey Garten found that having an “optimistic spirit” was a commonality among the world’s top 40 business executives.
Most of us wake up every morning thinking about our first cup of coffee. For CEO and co-founder of Equator Coffees Helen Russell, she thinks about the love and hard work behind each cup every day.