I’m thrilled to announce that Tai Tran recently joined Matter as our Head of Marketing! Tai brings a slew of experiences in storytelling from some of the most beloved brands in the world like Apple and Samsung.
According to Harvard Business Review, “decisions are more effective when more people are involved from the start.” The more the merrier, right? Right. Great leaders know that asking for team input will yield the best decisions, uncover blind spots, and show peer appreciation.
Syncing up with your team regularly isn’t about micromanaging. Great leaders are aware that setting well-defined goals means providing support to help transform ideas into actions.
According to Harvard Business Review, taking risks and stepping outside of our comfort zone at work promotes personal and company growth. Great leaders know to make a true impact there has to be a component of risk-taking. It’s only then that we can uncover creative solutions.
At the core of everything… Communication is the key skill that keeps the world spinning (not up for debate). Harvard Business Review recently found that spurts of rapid-fire communication, with intervals of silence, leads to higher performance.
As a leader, you’re bound to encounter roadblocks, but regularly finding the silver lining helps your team recognize the positives rather than fixate on the negatives.
According to a 2003 Leadership Quarterly study, research shows that rallying the whole team behind a shared vision is more effective than connecting with team members individually.
Based on Merriam-Webster, mentee definition is "one who is being mentored." Essentially, a mentee is an individual who is willing to learn and be coached from a senior person.
According to Forbes, persuasion is a “top leadership and communication skill.” In order to persuade others and encourage real change, you need to learn how to present and explain your ideas in a way that’s easy for your audience to understand and digest.
According to Forbes, true leaders “take all the facts into account.” Candid leaders understand that cultivating trust and openness means being direct when sharing any information. In the long run, decisions that are made based on facts will simply save time and avoid doubt among teams.
According to Harvard Business Review, asking probing questions should be met with the spirit of “accelerating progress, illuminating unconscious assumptions, and solving problems.” Don’t be afraid to ask questions.