According to Forbes, simply paraphrasing what you’ve heard ensures that you’re listening attentively. Believe it or not, paraphrasing is a form of active listening.
Peer reviews are a growing practice of assessing a professional's performance. This feedback guide will help you understand and consider key points when sourcing peer feedback.
According to a 2019 Academy of Management Journal study, employees can experience the “bystander effect” by remaining silent when it comes to sharing their thoughts and opinions. Part of habit building when it comes to communication is taking small steps and building your way up.
According to Harvard Business Review, professionals on high-trust teams reported “106% more energy at work, 50% higher productivity, [and] 76% more engagement.” L
Busy weeks full of with unknown tasks are stressful. Use these 5 time management worksheets to minimize stress, increase productivity, and take your work to the next level.
According to a 2017 Forbes study, among the top 500 world leaders interviewed, 98% of them failed to apply best practices when making decisions. Decision-making isn’t easy, but it’s the cornerstone of leadership. It’s the smart choices we make that drive true change throughout an organization.
According to Harvard Business Review, leaders who focused on identifying and leveraging their strengths reached their full potential. Tapping into your strengths not only helps you become a well-rounded leader but gives you the confidence to strive for moonshot goals and take on more challenges.
According to The Mind of the CEO, Yale professor Jeffrey Garten found that having an “optimistic spirit” was a commonality among the world’s top 40 business executives.
Intrinsic motivation comes in various forms, but you know you’re intrinsically motivated in any situation if it genuinely brings you happiness. That feeling should not be hindered or influenced my tangible materials or money.
Melanie Perkins believes in setting goals so big they frighten you. Goals so enormous that you can’t always articulate them, can’t always see the path ahead, and you’re unsure whether it’s actually achievable.
Many of us know giving feedback is important. But how many of us actually find time in between meetings and day-to-day work to give feedback to our teams?
Last week, we shared how our team at Matter started incorporating a new weekly tradition that carves out dedicated time to share feedback every week. We call it: Feedback Friday.
Don’t go saying “soft skills are the new hard skills” just yet. You don’t need one over the other to be successful. What’s required is probably a healthy combination of both, and the ability to switch between them along a spectrum of skills.
It’s easier to shy away from conflict. Because there’s a fear of rejection from our peers and managers. However, conflict isn’t necessarily a bad thing and can lead to better work.
Introvert leaders such as Marissa Mayer can be successful by being themselves. Learn what introverts bring to the table and how they can crush it as leaders.
Don’t stick around if it doesn’t serve your growth anymore. Remember you’re in control of your career path. Only you can determine what you want and need from it.