We touched on how the power of Zoom, Google Hangouts, and Slack video seamlessly connects individuals from great distances to remote life, but all work and no play isn’t fun.
According to Harvard Business Review, taking risks and stepping outside of our comfort zone at work promotes personal and company growth. Great leaders know to make a true impact there has to be a component of risk-taking. It’s only then that we can uncover creative solutions.
I’m thrilled to announce that Tai Tran recently joined Matter as our Head of Marketing! Tai brings a slew of experiences in storytelling from some of the most beloved brands in the world like Apple and Samsung.
According to Harvard Business Review, “decisions are more effective when more people are involved from the start.” The more the merrier, right? Right. Great leaders know that asking for team input will yield the best decisions, uncover blind spots, and show peer appreciation.
While incredibly important, the act of giving feedback to peers can sometimes feel like a daunting task. That’s why today we’ll be going over various examples of peer feedback that you can try giving in your next peer feedback session.
While peer feedback seems relatively straightforward, there are many important do’s and don’ts to giving feedback to one’s peers in the workplace. Today we’ll be offering six tips on how you can give successful feedback to your peers.
Peer feedback is one of the most effective ways to improve ourselves at work, though it can sometimes be difficult finding the correct way to approach feedback sessions. Here are nine great questions to ask in your next peer feedback session.
Giving effective peer feedback can oftentimes be difficult, and if done wrong, can cause more bad than good. Today, we’ll be discussing how you can give effective feedback to your peers and hopefully create a more positive work environment.
Peer feedback can greatly help or hinder a business, depending on how employees go about it; if done correctly, it can greatly benefit the workplace and even boost employee performance. Learn more by reading our comprehensive guide to peer feedback.
Everything you need to know about peer feedback in the workplace -- why peer feedback is important, how to ask and receive it, and possible downsides to peer feedback.
Sometimes figuring out the proper way of going about peer feedback can be tricky -- that’s why today we’ll be discussing ten excellent peer feedback templates that you can use for your own business, and the benefits of each one.
Feedback between peers allows us as employees to learn from past mistakes and grow as workers together. Today we’ll take a deeper look into peer feedback, and discuss just how important it really is.
Peer feedback is constructive criticism between two peers, whether it be coworkers or fellow students in a classroom setting. In this article, we’ll dive deep into what peer feedback is, why it’s important, and why you should encourage it in your business.
Performance management metrics help you to make informed decisions for measuring employee performance, using indicator tools, similarly to other existing brands who do the same.