Kudos images and Kudos gifs are fun ways to show appreciation at the office and add a little variety to your regular Kudos-giving. Here’s what you need to know about them.
Proxy alternatives can streamline many aspects of your business's online operations. Companies can share sensitive resources, documents, and files online without fear of losing them to cybercriminals.
Matter was on the brink of failure before it even began, simply because we couldn’t get email deliverability to work. This post shares our mistakes and learnings.
CEO and co-founder Stewart Butterfield sold Slack to Salesforce for a whopping $27.7 billion. That’s cool, but the events leading up to the acquisition, well, that’s where all the good stuff happened. And why does that matter? Because this is how you learn to be a versatile leader.
Imagine yourself adrift on a kiteboard with a deflated sail in the middle of the Caribbean, waiting to be rescued. CEO of Canva, Melanie Perkins, definitely can.
Is it really the end of the year if you don’t share your Spotify Wrapped? With the bursts of Instagram stories and tweets from Spotify users, many don’t know the idea of an interactive Spotify Wrapped Story was conceived by an intern: Jewel Ham.
Don’t go saying “soft skills are the new hard skills” just yet. You don’t need one over the other to be successful. What’s required is probably a healthy combination of both, and the ability to switch between them along a spectrum of skills.
Providing feedback to your peers can be pretty difficult. But, once you realize that giving feedback is the key to helping your colleagues improve their professional skills, then it becomes easier.
Peer reviews are a growing practice of assessing a professional's performance. This feedback guide will help you understand and consider key points when sourcing peer feedback.
We're going to break your perception of employee feedback and help you rebuild your relationship. You'll like this version of feedback much more, we promise. 🙌
Receiving feedback the most valuable information you can get for your professional development. Before we get into the nitty-gritty of feedback, let’s get comfortable with the types of feedback you can expect. And, yes there’s more than just ONE type of feedback.
We need candor more than ever. To be specific, we need radical candor now more than ever. We named dropped radical candor a couple of blogs ago, but we promised to come back.
A lack of candor when giving professional feedback, updating your team on the status of a project, or encountering any workplace situations can lead to dire consequences.
Candor is no "small" skill. It's the foundation of a healthy work environment that allows a free flow of information. But in reality, professionals aren't too keen on being transparent.
It’s important to expand your bandwidth, get equipped, and support your team during these sensitive times. Here are the top five professional and soft skills to keep under your belt amid COVID-19.
We touched on how the power of Zoom, Google Hangouts, and Slack video seamlessly connects individuals from great distances to remote life, but all work and no play isn’t fun.
In an office setting, you know overcommitting is a recipe for disaster. Apply that same mindset while working from home. We understand that saying “uh-uh” doesn’t come naturally, but communicating a healthy no will avoid burning out.