According to Gartner, 59% of employees believe that traditional performance reviews have “little to no impact” on their performance. Done well, 360-degree feedback can fix this issue and give you the kind of feedback that can identify blind spots for career growth.
We compiled our top four favorite growth mindset TED Talks to help you develop a growth mindset. Get ready to sit back, learn, and flex that mind of yours.
Your work style is how you do your best work in the most efficient way. Understand your preferred work style and how you can leverage it to do your best work yet.
Every decision you make in life has an impact. From the quality of life to your happiness, each decision counts. So, wouldn’t you want to make conscious choices? That's where analytical thinking comes in.
Are you about to embark on a mentor and mentee relationship? Before you get started, it's vital to have a clear understanding of the expectations, roles, and responsibilities that will help shape each person for success.
In order for remote work to prosper, there needs to effective communication. To be specific asynchronous and synchronous communication among teams. In this article, we'll be discussing the best practices and tips for asynchronous communication.
Today, even during a pandemic, teams all around the world are no longer confined to a single location or time zone. In fact, 2020 has taught us that we can work anywhere.
It’s important to expand your bandwidth, get equipped, and support your team during these sensitive times. Here are the top five professional and soft skills to keep under your belt amid COVID-19.
Yishan Wong, the former CEO of Reddit, is taking on a big problem: the climate crisis. Wong is the head of Terraformation, an organization that plans to fight the climate crisis through reforestation efforts.
Teams no longer need to have their peers in person to hit their goals. Now, we can seamlessly communicate with one another easily across different time zones — making remote work the new norm. Here is your guide to synchronous and asynchronous communication with pros cons, definitions, and tips.
Intrinsic motivation comes in various forms, but you know you’re intrinsically motivated in any situation if it genuinely brings you happiness. That feeling should not be hindered or influenced my tangible materials or money.
Melanie Perkins believes in setting goals so big they frighten you. Goals so enormous that you can’t always articulate them, can’t always see the path ahead, and you’re unsure whether it’s actually achievable.
Many of us know giving feedback is important. But how many of us actually find time in between meetings and day-to-day work to give feedback to our teams?
Last week, we shared how our team at Matter started incorporating a new weekly tradition that carves out dedicated time to share feedback every week. We call it: Feedback Friday.
Don’t go saying “soft skills are the new hard skills” just yet. You don’t need one over the other to be successful. What’s required is probably a healthy combination of both, and the ability to switch between them along a spectrum of skills.
It’s easier to shy away from conflict. Because there’s a fear of rejection from our peers and managers. However, conflict isn’t necessarily a bad thing and can lead to better work.
Introvert leaders such as Marissa Mayer can be successful by being themselves. Learn what introverts bring to the table and how they can crush it as leaders.
Don’t stick around if it doesn’t serve your growth anymore. Remember you’re in control of your career path. Only you can determine what you want and need from it.